NASM Forum > Programming with NASM

the difference between using times many times and only once


I noticed something interesting with my code when doing a multidimensional array. In this example, we assume the array is more like a grid.

So the first objective is to initialize the grid with all null values. I'm working in a DOSBOX environment.

I tried the first code and not only did the attempt fail, but the DOSBOX screen froze and I had to close it manually.

--- Code: ---nrows equ 100
ncols equ 100

agrid times nrows times ncols db 0

xor AX,AX
mov CX,nrows*ncols-1
    mov BX,CX
    mov [CS:agrid+BX],AL
loop clearram

--- End code ---

I changed one line. Code is shown below.

--- Code: ---nrows equ 100
ncols equ 100

agrid times (nrows*ncols) db 0

xor AX,AX
mov CX,nrows*ncols-1
    mov BX,CX
    mov [CS:agrid+BX],AL
loop clearram

--- End code ---

Whats interesting is this one works flawlessly.

What does nasm do behind the scenes with space initialization when the keyword "times" is used twice?


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