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Windows GDI animation with semitransparent pixels and custom shape 64 bits

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I had fallen into too much bogus information when I tried to create a program for the first time that draws something to the screen. To decrease your chance to get stuck with this topic, I am sharing code that does more than showing sample picture within rectangle. Since source code is way larger than I would like to scroll over here, it is available at .

Some myths I would like to debunk with this code:

* It is required to write your own Window Procedure in order to create a window;
* To create a window with complex shape, you are stuck with CreateRectRgn/CombineRgn functions;
* Reserving one RGB colour as transparent is required to achieve transparency effects. If you are only on 32 bit OS or not very friendly with assembler, you might still see some hints how to deal with Windows graphics some other way.

Frank Kotler:
Thanks, BalticMusicFan!

Nasm's Windows users need all the help they can get from each other!


Hello. I couldn't compile it with

nasm.exe -w-orphan-labels "messageboxa x64.asm" -f win64 -o "messageboxa x64.obj"
GoLink.exe "messageboxa x64.obj" "kernel32.dll" /dynamicbase /entry start /largeaddressaware /nxcompat /fo "messageboxa x64.exe"

I'v got the next error: nasm: fatal: unable to open input file `messageboxa x64.asm'

Thank you

Frank Kotler:
Hi Alfonso,

Filename on effing pastebin seems to end in "asm.asm". Lemme see if I can attach it here... Thanks for the heads-up!


Hello, Frank. Great work, as ever  :)  It was my fault naming the file ???


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