I am writing my own operating system for fun. I have only gotten
as far as writing chars. and strings on the screen in 80 X 25 text
mode. I run the OS in the Bochs emulator. The only thing that I can
tell you is that I have no problem with it when I use an earlier
version of Nasm, 2.12.02. I was just trying out the latest version
and it did not work. ELF. format does work on all versions of Nasm.
It is just standard x86, 32 bit assembly code. I will include the
batch file that I cooked up below for reference. If you need any
additional info. I will try to provide it for you. I am pretty much
on my own with this. I do this as a hobby on my spare time. There is
a lot of stuff on the internet about OS. development but specific
problem help is sometimes hard to find.
I just joined the Nasm forum maybe they can help me too. I have
looked into the Fasm assembler and it looks pretty cool but its ELF.
object file output is the only one that I can use for my OS. I was
just comparing ELF. and RDF. formats.
The problem is in the assembly steps not the linking steps after
it, it never gets that far.
nasm: panic: rdf segment numbers not allocated as expected (0,0,0)
Filed as bug 3392412
@echo off
color 1f
rem Folder tells which bit version I am working on.
rem Folder is .\MyOS-32bit
rem or use .\MyOS-x86
rem Filename also has the x86 bit version suffix name in it too.
rem Filename is "myos-x86-rdf-build.bat"
rem rdoff or rdf is relocatable object file format.
rem This is to build a x86, 32 bit version.
rem echo. is a blank line.
echo starting build script.
rem run my own compiler written in python that I am experimenting
with, it generates a main-hlctest.asm file which is an include file,
rem included in the main.asm file. Later on it will be linked to the
main.asm file using the linker.
my_compiler_x86_nasm.py ./kernel/include/main-hlctest.hlc
nasm .\kernel\bootloader.asm -o .\rdf\bootloader.bin -f bin
echo bootloader.bin created.
nasm .\kernel\main.asm -o .\rdf\main.rdf -f rdf
echo main.rdf created.
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------
rem error message here:
rem nasm: panic: rdf segment numbers not allocated as expected (0,0,0)
rem Filed as bug 3392412
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------
nasm .\kernel\linktest.asm -o .\rdf\linktest.rdf -f rdf
echo linktest.rdf created.
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------
rem error message here:
rem nasm: panic: rdf segment numbers not allocated as expected (0,0,0)
rem Filed as bug 3392412
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------
rem "ldrdf -r" gives version number. -output file, then input files.
ldrdf -o .\rdf\kernel.rdf ^
.\rdf\main.rdf ^
rem .\rdf\interpreter.rdf and etc. later on.
echo all kernel *.rdf files linked to form the kernel.rdf file.
rem input file, then output file.
rdf2bin -o 0x1000 -f bin .\rdf\kernel.rdf .\rdf\kernel.bin
echo added relocation info to the ".\rdf\kernel.rdf" file.
echo kernel.bin file created.
copy /b .\rdf\bootloader.bin + .\rdf\kernel.bin .\rdf\myos-x86-rdf.img
echo combined the bootloader.bin and the kernel.bin files to
echo created the myos-x86-rdf.img os image file.