That byte editor you were looking at is great! (just type "make") There's lots in the "examples" section (tho some dead links). I've got lots of 32-bit code. Here's something simple to start with...
; nasm -f elf hw2u.asm
; ld -o hw2u hw2u.o -melf_i386
global _start
MAXNAME equ 256
section .text
nop ; for the debuggers
commence: ; ditto
mov ecx, prompt
mov edx, prompt_len
call write_stdout
mov eax, 3 ; __NR_read
mov ebx, 0 ; stdin
mov ecx, namebuf ; buffer
mov edx, MAXNAME ; maximum to read
int 80h
dec eax ; length returned includes LF we don't want
push eax ; save it for later
mov ecx, greet
mov edx, greet_len
call write_stdout
mov ecx, namebuf
pop edx ; retrieve the length
call write_stdout
mov ecx, coda
mov edx, coda_len
call write_stdout
mov eax, 1 ; __NR_exit
int 80h
push ebx
mov eax, 4 ; __NR_write
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
int 80h
pop ebx
section .data
prompt db "Please tell me your name? "
prompt_len equ $ - prompt
greet db "Hello, "
greet_len equ $ - greet
coda db "! Welcome to Linux Assembly!", 10
coda_len equ $ - coda
section .bss
namebuf resb MAXNAME
What sort of thing are you looking for?