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But aaa and aad are asm instruction, so you translate C code into asm code, but in streaming no ?
--- Quote from: shaynox on June 06, 2015, 06:21:41 PM ---But aaa and aad are asm instruction, so you translate C code into asm code, but in streaming no ?
--- End quote ---
Of cource, aaa and aad are asm instructions, but popn_aad and popn_aad
are symbols for the compiler.
The compiler first translates the C code in its symbols and then generate
either machine code directly or emits assembly code.
I think that MS C compiler does not use any assembler, also.
ok, well I guess others compilers need asm production, for the simply reason that we can get the asm file by -S (gcc) - /FAs (icl - ms compiler) and not other languages, I think.
And for the IDE, it crash when I try to create new project, i'm on win 8.1 x64
--- Quote from: shaynox on June 06, 2015, 06:44:17 PM ---ok, well I guess others compilers need asm production, for the simply reason that we can get the asm file by -S (gcc) - /FAs (icl - ms compiler) and not other languages, I think.
--- End quote ---
If you wish, download my package from here.
You will find an example.
If you type: wcc32 /S Demo.c
wcc32 will emits assembly code, (NASM syntax), with C commented code, instead of object file.
Then you can assembly this code using NASM assembler.
Very interesting, like that I will able to easier translate C code in nasm.
What is __imp__ prefix in function's name ? icl do that too
Will you support c++ too ?
PS: I try to assemble the asm produce by your compiler.
So I have a problem about entry point, when I try to assemble the obj file, I don't know what is the entry point so I searched and found _WinMain@16 into asm/obj produce, but GoLink don't found (Specified entry point (_WinMain) was not found.)
Else linking with wlink32 work perfectly.
I have a lot of warning, but two kind of demo.c when I try to assemble it with nasm:
- 1018: warning: label alone on a line without a colon might be in error:
--- Code: ---L_56
DB "Demo"
DB 00H
--- End code ---
- 892: warning: uninitialised space declared in non-BSS section `.data': zeroing:
--- Code: ---RESB 04H
--- End code ---
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