Author Topic: Linux - Make a Webpage of a Directory Tree  (Read 15767 times)

Offline Zefferon

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Linux - Make a Webpage of a Directory Tree
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:28:05 AM »
The DirTreeWebpage utility makes a webpage that has a diagram of a directory.
A more complicated example of using the PathLog module.

The resulting tree consists of a set of links that navigate to the directories
and files on the drive.

The program can be used to visually keep track of a software project,
a video collection, a documents tree, or a 1001 uses.

The default use of the program is a valid path of a directory followed by
the name of file of the webpage to create or append.
   DirTreeWebpage /home/mydir/Documents /home/mydir/DocumentsTree.html

will make a webpage named "DocumentsTree.html" with a tree diagram of the Documents directory,
showing only the subdirectories.

Using the -f switch will cause the diagram to also contain all the files:
   DirTreeWebpage /home/mydir/Documents /home/mydir/DocumentsTree.html -f

If the -a switch is used, the tree diagram is appended to the save file. This can be used to
patch together small directories into the same webpage instead of treeing a higher level
directory that would cause a collosal tree.
   DirTreeWebpage /home/mydir/videos/Planes /home/mydir/Reference.html -f
   DirTreeWebpage /home/mydir/books/Pets /home/mydir/Reference.html -f -a
   DirTreeWebpage /home/mydir/pdfs/Recipes /home/mydir/Reference.html -f -a

Using DirTreeWebpage on a directory of modules results in a handy programming tracker.

Using DirTreeWebpage on a downloaded webpage .....
Oh, boy. Weird scenes inside the gold mine.
Especially some of those huge webpages posted by the tabloids.
Click the main page. It will load. Several other links on the tree will highlight.
You can see which other subpages the main page snuck in.

Sample 1:
Sample 2:

The webpage is:
Each file can be downloaded individually.

The homepage is:

The files can also be downloaded as a tarball: