Main Campfire Story: "Stay original as possible"Developer is a some sort of artist, let's say like Leonardo da Vinci.
So, i go into his art gallery and i'm looking at the painting on the wall, where is visualized bridge and trees.
So, i say him, let's extend this bridge wider, it need's to be wider.
He says: Sure, take a brush, choose a color and start doing "the bridge extension".
So, when next individual goes into his art gallery... might end up with painting that's ruining his original idea even more.
So, at the end, there is nothing left original on that painting, all idea of Leonardo da Vinci is ruined by some individuals.
Extended variation of main story:
* Let's say that bridge was vertically painted.
* Artist: You need wider bridge?
* Let's stretch that painting side ways.
Campfire Story Analysis:A. So, in this thread, the artist can be considered as Dman95.
B. I am considered to be as an individual, by saying:
Cool, so far so good.
How can i build and debug 64 bit windows application?
Quoted sentence is nearly equals to: "How do you think, shouldn't that bridge, be wider?"
By saying that "i'm spreading oil a bit".
C. Bryant Keller is considered to be as an individual, by saying:
Given that he uses MinGW internally, I don't see any reason you couldn't just install the MinGW64 variant if you need Win64 instead of Win32. You might need to do some minor tweaking to the build commands for NASM in the IDE, but in theory it should work.
Quoted sentence is nearly equals to: "Yes, the bridge should be wider, you can do that by doing something like
By saying that, "spreads the oil" even more.
So, Rob Neff, put's the fire on all the oil, that has been spread:
D. Rob Neff is considered to be as an individual and put's the pressure on the artist, by saying: could join him ( if he's willing to take on devs ) and help provide the x64 support needed for the benefit of us all, can fork it ( if he's not ) and extend it for the benefit of us all,
Or..... you can continue using "Ancient Message Box Methodology" to which no one benefits from.

First quoted sentence is nearly equals to: "Tell artist that bridge need to be wider and watch his reaction, what he will say?".
Second quoted sentence is nearly equals to: "Take his painting, brush, colors, start altering it".
Third quoted sentence is not even necessary, because:
E. Artist Dman95 gives up his idea, by saying:
You are absolutely right. If someone wants to join SASM development, it is always possible to do. Simply write me email ( or leave post here.
Regarding x64 feature, possibly I will try to make it.
Quoted sentence is nearly equals to: "Okay, let's do it, if anyone has brush and right colors let's do it".
End of story.Morale of the story, sent with Ancient Message Box to Artist:
Hey Artist!
You started, you finish it!!! You, in your own-original way!!!.

There is a crowd gathering outside of your art gallery.
Crowd, olddays: "We! want!! wider bridge!!!, we! want!! wider bridge!!!, we! want!! wider bridge!!!".

Crowd, nowdays: "We! want!! x64!!!, we! want!! x64!!!, we! want!! x64!!!".
