I did some x64 testing and didn't experienced any abnormal activity,
disassembled some files and my eye didn't caught anything suspicious,
also, compile and run, some of demos. (Didn't tried floating points.)
I liked what i see/saw/seen - i think, code, now is generated,
nearly like it should be, with one exception - callstack.
Each time invoke macro is used, it allocates a stack space,
if call stack pragma option is not assigned.
Maybe there is a need to assign some default callstack,
if invoke takes too much arguments, then give developer a warning that he should increase callstack manually or turn it off.
Let's say default callstack for 24 arguments (Which i did in my own set of macros).
It is easy to test, if somebody have a large size NASMX program (I Don't have any),
then, this individual can find mistakes fast, because - one mistake could affect the whole program.
Especially if that large program does some scientific calculations.
Well, i think, everything should be fine,
energy and time has been spent, so,
if you put energy and time into improvements then,
the only thing that can happen is to get better.
or get a bunch of fatal errors, more problems, abandon the project, run, flee away.

I think this is offtopic:
Only thing i found, that "win64\DEMO2" was a bit disrespectful,
here is a run time of demo2 via command console - cmd:
First Name: Old
Last Name: Grandpa
Age: 102
Sorry kid, you're only 10!
Some Old Grandpa might get upset about this.