Sorry to ask again so soon, but I can't quite find a way out.
I tried to compile the source file "demo1.asm" from the nasm32 project: file is this:
%include 'c:\newbie\inc\win32\'
%include 'c:\newbie\inc\win32\'
%include 'c:\newbie\inc\win32\'
%include 'c:\newbie\inc\'
entry demo1
[section .text]
proc demo1
invoke my_p, dword szContentTwo, dword szTitleTwo
invoke MessageBoxA, dword NULL, dword szContent, dword szTitle, dword MB_OK
invoke ExitProcess, dword NULL
proc my_p
sz_Content argd
sz_Title argd
invoke MessageBoxA, dword NULL, dword argv(sz_Content), dword argv(sz_Title), dword MB_OK
szTitle: db 'Demo1', 0x0
szTitleTwo: db 'Demo1 Procedure', 0x0
szContent: db 'Hello from the Application!', 0x0
szContentTwo: db 'Hello from the Procedure!', 0x0
I write in the dos window in the bin subdirectory:
> nasmw -f win32 demo1.asm
and all is ok, then I write
> polink demo1.obj
POLINK: error: unresolved external symbol '_MessageBoxA'
POLINK: error: unresolved external symbol '_ExitProcess'
POLINK: error: unresolved external symbol '_mainCRTStartup'
POLINK: fatal error: 3 unresolved external(s)
It seems it finds the routines but can't execute them, I don't know....
Thank you in advance for any help
Fabrizio newbie