Author Topic: Win64 Verlet Rope Physics Sandbox NASM + PELLES C  (Read 13055 times)

Offline encryptor256

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Win64 Verlet Rope Physics Sandbox NASM + PELLES C
« on: January 05, 2014, 01:12:39 PM »

Basic info:
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; This is: Win64 Verlet Rope Physics Sandbox NASM + PELLES C
; Author: J.K. Encryptor256
; Date: 2014 Jan
; Using:
; 1. NASM: The Netwide Assembler, ( )
;     Created "verlet system" obj library in nasm.
;     Created "sys - malloc, etc." obj library in nasm.
;     Created "dds - linked lists" obj library in nasm.
; 2. PELLES C, ( )
;     Created all qui stuff in pelles c.
;     Adding all obj libraries at link time.
; Description:
; Create points, edges, witch between modes by mousewheel.
; Add objects:
; Press 'Q' to add a wheel.
; Press 'W' to add a grid clothe.
; Press 'E' enable disable point draw.
; Modes: (Use mousewheel to goto next or prev mode)
; "Mode: runtime"
; "Mode: runtime - break mode"
; "Mode: add points 0 NORMAL"
; "Mode: add points 1 FIXED"
; "Mode: add edges 0 NORMAL"
; "Mode: add edges 1 ALMOST WHITE"
; "Mode: add edges 2 BOLD THICK
; ------------------------------------------------------------

More info:
Created verlet system library in nasm, and all qui stuff into pelles c.
End result is pretty darn cool(see runtime demo's).
+ added more mousewheel modes.

Sys library, sys.asm, contains all functions needed to run all other libraries.
Dds library, dds.asm, contains data structures Linked Lists, depends on sys.asm.
Verlet library, nasmlib.asm, contains all functions needed to run verlet system, depends on sys.asm and dds.asm.

NASM, Compile:
  • "nasm.exe -f win64 sys.asm -o sys.obj"
  • "nasm.exe -f win64 dds.asm -o dds.obj"
  • "nasm.exe -f win64 nasmlib.asm -o nasmlib.obj"

NASM, Compile produced: sys.obj, dds.obj, nasmlib.obj.

PELLES C, Link & Build: Add all libraries at link time. (See example code, source project)

Also using:

Runtime demo on youtube:

Added attachment,, includes:
"sys.asm, dds.asm, nasmlib.asm + pelles c project + compiled files, win64 exe and obj files, + float64 and vector2d macros".

Well, i think, that's it,
Encryptor256's Investigation \ Research Department.

Offline avcaballero

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Re: Win64 Verlet Rope Physics Sandbox NASM + PELLES C
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2014, 02:49:45 PM »
Interesting, Encriptor. Linked lists, I think I saw... phew, much work