I am currently taking flat binary out of NASM, stuffing it into a C char array, and executing it as a function. I like tricky crap. Its fun.

Its easy to do this in C on Linux, you just have mark that memory as executable.
Here is the C code I am using (got a start from this page:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include "asm.inc"
int main(int argc, char**argv)
void *addr = (void*)((unsigned long)hello & ((0UL - 1UL) ^ 0xfff));/*get memory page*/
int ans = mprotect(addr, 1, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC);/*set page attributes*/
if (ans)
return 0;
Notice the "#include "asm.inc"", I run 'xxd -i' on the nasm binary to turn it into a C style char array, and just #include it.
Here are the commands I use in Makefile form:
nasm -f bin -O0 hello.asm; \
xxd -i hello > asm.inc; \
gcc main.c; \
./a.out; \
echo "hello"; \
ndisasm -b 64 hello
Here is some assembler code for 64 bit Linux (a hello world, got a start here:
msg: db "kaboom",0x0A,0x0D
len: equ $-msg
;mov rsi, [rel msg] ; message address
call dword 0x5
pop rsi
add rsi,0x2A
mov rax, 1 ; sys_write
mov rdi, 1 ; stdout
mov rdx, len ; message string length
Notice the 'ret' at the end so that it adequately enough represents a function that returns.
This code, as is, works. On a 64 bit Linux machine, it will execute and print out "before\nkaboom\nafter".
The problem is I am not sure I know exactly why it works, or why I can't do it differently. It gets tricky with the message address that needs to end up in RSI.
The code as is is based on the disassembly of the char array of the original C code I found at
http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/c/threads/353077/store-binary-code-in-memory-then-execute-it. I experimented with the value added to RSI to get it working.
It uses 'call' and 'pop' to simply move to the next line and get RIP into RSI. The 'pop' line is located in the disassembly at 0x5, so I assume the RIP it got was essentially 0x4 relative to the beginning of this code. The message is located in the disassembly at 0x2E. 0x2E - 0x4 = 0x2A. I am guessing the value needed to be 0x2A because that is the difference between the 'call' line and the message.
But notice the commented out 'mov rsi, [rel msg]'. If you uncomment that, and comment out the 'call','pop' and 'add', it does not work.
But why doesn't it? As far as I understand, it should populate RSI with the address of msg relative to RIP, just as the previous code was essentially doing.
So why is
mov rsi, [rel msg]
not equivalent to
call dword 0x5
pop rsi
add rsi,0x2A
Thanks for any help.