Author Topic: How to write .DLL files  (Read 25560 times)

Offline dapleal

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  • Daniel A. Pereira Leal
How to write .DLL files
« on: June 16, 2013, 04:31:51 AM »
Since I´ve been getting help from this Forum for months, I feel like it´s time to share either. I hope this small contribution could be of any use to somebody. So, here goes an example of how to write a .DLL file. Note: it´s written as a .ASM file, and then it has to be compiled as .DLL.

Code: [Select]
;[size=10pt] ?
   EXPORT DllMain
   EXPORT myFuncX1
   EXPORT myFuncX2

section .code use32


DllMain: ; This code is required in .dll files
        mov eax,1
        ret 12

                ; FUNCTION #1
; A- passed parameters:
;               required: value#1 , value#2
;         example:
;                      push dword [0x500]
;        push dword [0x010]
;        call [myFuncX1]
; B- this function returns:
;                      EAX= value#1 + value#2

        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp

        mov eax, dword [ebp+08]   ; eax=value#1
        mov ecx, dword [ebp+12]   ; ecx=value#2
        add eax, ecx                       ; eax=eax+ecx
        xor ecx, ecx        ; ecx=0

        pop ebp
        ret 8


                ; FUNCTION #2
; A- passed parameters:
;               required: value#1    (e.g.: 0xabcd1234)
;         example:
;                      push dword [0xabcd1234]
;                      call [myFuncX2]
; B- this function returns:
;                      EAX= Pointer to zero-terminated string.
;      ( e.g.: if value#1 = 0xabcd1234
;         then [EAX]= db "ABCD1234",0 )
; Use: This simple routine helped me monitor and fix bugs by
;      displaying the resulting string using a message box.
;      NOTE: the code for displaying the message box is not
                                          ;                part of this .dll.

push ebp
mov ebp,esp
mov eax,[ebp+08]  ; gets the passed argument (value#1) and stores it in EAX

  ; from now on, the code gets the ASCII value corresponding to
  ; each one of the 8 digits of (value#1)
  ; (e.g.: value#1= 0xabcd1234
  ;       the code gets: "A","B","C","D","1","2","3","4"
  ;       and store those values into a memory buffer
  ;       beginning at [ebp-4088] ;  (ebp-4096+9) **decimal
  ;       and ending at [ebp-4096]= 0
  ;                     (Note: 0 not "0", at the end)
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push edi
push esi

xor edx,edx
xor ebx,ebx
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,0x04
mov bl,0x08
mov edx,eax
mov edi,ebp
sub edi,4096

mov al,0x00
mov [edi],al
dec edi

mov eax,edx

and eax,0x0000000f
cmp al,0x09
ja bjmp2lbl
add al,0x30
jmp bjmp3lbl


sub al,0x09
add al,0x40


mov [edi],al
dec edi

shr edx,cl
mov eax,edx
dec bl
jnz bjmp1lbl

inc edi

lea ebx,[edi]         ; EBX= memory address of beginning of text data
                                         ;             (zero-terminated string)
mov eax, ebx        ; EAX returns as szPointer value
                                         ;(all other registers are restored their original values)

pop esi
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx

pop ebp

ret 4
; [/size] ?
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 10:41:09 PM by Frank Kotler »

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: How to write .DLL files
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2013, 08:29:05 PM »
Thanks for the contribution, Daniel! I put "code tags" around it for ya (hope I didn't edit anything else!). Just the word "code" in square brackets (like a Nasm memory reference), and "/code" at the end. To my dismay, it doesn't say that anywhere obvious...

Anyway... how do we compile it as a .dll? I think I know the answer... "nasm -f obj ..." and "alink -oDLL ...", but it might be nice to have the "official" (your) instructions. Nasm does so many things that I think it's useful to put Nasm and linker command lines as a comment at the top of the code (I don't always do it!).

Another possible nit... where you declare your "section .code", the "use32" is absolutely necessary (in a 32-bit "-f obj" file). As I recall, it helps to add "class=CODE" here. As I recall, Ollydbg complains about "entrypoint outside .text section" (or some such), and Agner Fog's "objconv" gets confused without it. Experiment for me (if you're so inclined) and see what, if any, difference it makes.


Offline dapleal

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  • Daniel A. Pereira Leal
Re: How to write .DLL files
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 10:00:14 PM »
Ok. Thanks for the feedback.

This is how I compiled the .dll file:

nasm -fobj  fileName.asm
alink  fileName.obj -oPE -dll

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: How to write .DLL files
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2014, 10:29:02 PM »
Good. Thanks!

But "-f obj" is rather an obsolete format (OMF), and Nasm does a half-baked job with the 32-bit extensions. You might be better off to use "-f win32" if you can figure out how to do it...
