Hi all
Could anybody please assist with getting the example code to compile on 64 bit Linux. The commands I run from the command line is:
nasm -f elf first.asm
This runs without an issue, I then run:
gcc -o first first.o driver.c asm_io.o
This however gives the following error:
driver.c:3:1: warning: ‘cdecl’ attribute ignored [-Wattributes]
/usr/bin/ld: i386 architecture of input file `first.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output
/usr/bin/ld: i386 architecture of input file `asm_io.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Here is the first.asm code (if posting this code here taken from Dr. Paul Carter's web site is in breach of any copyright please remove it).
; file: first.asm
; First assembly program. This program asks for two integers as
; input and prints out their sum.
; To create executable:
; Using djgpp:
; nasm -f coff first.asm
; gcc -o first first.o driver.c asm_io.o
; Using Linux and gcc:
; nasm -f elf first.asm
; gcc -o first first.o driver.c asm_io.o
; Using Borland C/C++
; nasm -f obj first.asm
; bcc32 first.obj driver.c asm_io.obj
; Using MS C/C++
; nasm -f win32 first.asm
; cl first.obj driver.c asm_io.obj
; Using Open Watcom
; nasm -f obj first.asm
; wcl386 first.obj driver.c asm_io.obj
%include "asm_io.inc"
; initialized data is put in the .data segment
segment .data
; These labels refer to strings used for output
prompt1 db "Enter a number: ", 0 ; don't forget nul terminator
prompt2 db "Enter another number: ", 0
outmsg1 db "You entered ", 0
outmsg2 db " and ", 0
outmsg3 db ", the sum of these is ", 0
; uninitialized data is put in the .bss segment
segment .bss
; These labels refer to double words used to store the inputs
input1 resd 1
input2 resd 1
; code is put in the .text segment
segment .text
global asm_main
enter 0,0 ; setup routine
mov eax, prompt1 ; print out prompt
call print_string
call read_int ; read integer
mov [input1], eax ; store into input1
mov eax, prompt2 ; print out prompt
call print_string
call read_int ; read integer
mov [input2], eax ; store into input2
mov eax, [input1] ; eax = dword at input1
add eax, [input2] ; eax += dword at input2
mov ebx, eax ; ebx = eax
dump_regs 1 ; dump out register values
dump_mem 2, outmsg1, 1 ; dump out memory
; next print out result message as series of steps
mov eax, outmsg1
call print_string ; print out first message
mov eax, [input1]
call print_int ; print out input1
mov eax, outmsg2
call print_string ; print out second message
mov eax, [input2]
call print_int ; print out input2
mov eax, outmsg3
call print_string ; print out third message
mov eax, ebx
call print_int ; print out sum (ebx)
call print_nl ; print new-line
mov eax, 0 ; return back to C
And the driver.c code:
#include "cdecl.h"
int PRE_CDECL asm_main( void ) POST_CDECL;
int main()
int ret_status;
ret_status = asm_main();
return ret_status;
Basically I am going through the book and want to experiment with the assembly code but I can't get it to compile on 64 bit Ubuntu Linux. Any advice will be most appreciated.