The following program executes Lua Statements/script files from within NASM.
This program is a direct translation from C Version.
Original page (or the one I referred) URL is broken now. Still wanted to mention that. **broken
;;Assemble with:
;;nasm -fobj HelloLua.asm
;;Link with:
;;alink -c -oPE -subsys con HelloLua.obj
%include ""
;;LUA include files
%include ""
%include ""
%include ""
extern luaL_newstate
import luaL_newstate lua51.dll
extern luaL_loadstring
import luaL_loadstring lua51.dll
extern lua_pcall
import lua_pcall lua51.dll
extern luaL_loadfile
import luaL_loadfile lua51.dll
extern luaL_openlibs
import luaL_openlibs lua51.dll
extern lua_close
import lua_close lua51.dll
extern GetStdHandle
import GetStdHandle kernel32.dll
extern WriteFile
import WriteFile kernel32.dll
extern ExitProcess
import ExitProcess kernel32.dll
global ..start
segment .data USE32
db 'Hello, World - Inside NASM', 10
funcname1 db "base",0
scriptfilename db "script.lua",0
scriptstatement db "print 'HelloWorld- Inside LUA'",0
segment .bss USE32
byteswritten resd 1
lptr resd 1
segment .code USE32
; hStdOut = GetstdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
call [GetStdHandle]
mov ebx, eax
; WriteFile( hstdOut, message, length(message), &bytes, 0);
push dword 0
push dword byteswritten
push (message_end - message)
push message
push ebx
call [WriteFile]
call [luaL_newstate]
mov [lptr], eax
push dword [lptr]
call [luaL_openlibs]
add esp,4
push dword scriptstatement
push dword [lptr]
call [luaL_loadstring]
add esp,8
push dword 0
push dword LUA_MULTRET
push dword 0
push dword [lptr]
call [lua_pcall]
add esp,16
push dword scriptfilename
push dword [lptr]
call [luaL_loadfile]
add esp,8
push dword 0
push dword LUA_MULTRET
push dword 0
push dword [lptr]
call [lua_pcall]
add esp,16
push dword [lptr]
call [lua_close]
add esp,4
; ExitProcess(0)
push dword 0
call [ExitProcess]
This is the C version
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Include the Lua API header files. */
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>
int main(void)
/* Declare a Lua State, open the Lua State and load the libraries (see above). */
lua_State *l;
l = lua_open();
/* print some text directly from C. */
printf("This line in directly from C\n\n");
luaL_dostring(l,"print 'Helloworld inside LUA '");
/* In the lines below, I load and run the Lua code contained in the file */
/* "script.lua". */
luaL_dofile(l, "script.lua");
printf("\nBack to C again\n\n");
/* Remember to destroy the Lua State */
return 0;
The zip file has include files which are converted from .h files from lua package. (not complete though).
It also has a Nagoa Version(HelloLua_nagoa.asm) which uses the macros in
<will link the zip file shortly>
edit - fbk: unable to attach files here
