Author Topic: Tasm Macro to Nasm???  (Read 14184 times)

Offline emisaeljcr

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Tasm Macro to Nasm???
« on: April 29, 2011, 06:12:43 PM »
Hi, i comeback trying to pass a tasm macro to nasm, but im not so clearly in how its work, i tried only moving the undeclared to .bss and  adding the length of strings that doesnt have it,  when assembly it gave me a lot of errors, i guess that the macro and the proc are not like i used.

Code: [Select]

;nasm -f elf s.asm
;ld -s -o s s.o


;variables utilizadas por las macros
    diezInt: dd 10
    diezReal: dd 10.0
    menos: dd -1.0
    tam: dw 40
    error1: db "Desbordamiento de cadena",10
lerror1: equ $-error1
    ;fin variables
  cadena1: db "140",10
cadena2: db "1000",10
      mensaje: db "El resultado es: ",10
lmensaje: equ $-mensaje
    ent: db 10,13,'$'
   ;Macro que convierte una cadena en numero en coma flotante
   ConvertirStrReal Macro cadStr,cadReal
     Lea ebx,cadStr
push ebx
lea ebx,cadReal
push ebx
call strToFloat
   ;Macro que convierte un numero en coma flotante a cadena
   ConvertirRealStr macro cadReal,cadStr,precision
      Lea ebx,cadReal
  push ebx
  Lea ebx,cadStr
  push ebx
  push word ptr precision
  call floatToStr


cadtemp: resb 40
cadena3: resb 40
real1: resb 255
real2: resb 255
result: resb 255

;variables para las macros
lugares: resb 255
entero: resb 255
signo: resb 255

        global _start

mov edx,len1
mov ecx,msg1
mov ebx,1
mov eax,4
int 0x80

;introducir n1
mov edx,255
mov ecx,n1
mov ebx,0
mov eax,3
int 80h

   ;Este ejemplo multiplica -244.3 * 6
   ConvertirStrReal cadena2,real2
   fld real1 ;carga en la FPU el numero -244.3
   fld real2 ;carga en la FPU el numero 6
   fmul ; -244.3*6
   fstp [result] ;almacena el resultado en la variable result
   convertirRealStr result,cadena3,2

mov edx,lmensaje
mov ecx,mensaje
mov ebx,1
mov eax,4
int 0x80

mov edx,10
mov ecx,cadena3
mov ebx,1
mov eax,4
int 0x80
mov ebx,0
mov eax,1
int 0x80 
  ;Convierte una cadena en punto flotante y lo carga en la FPU mediante el siguiente procedimiento;
  ;1- Verifica si el primer caracter es un - y lo almacena en la variable signo (0-positivo 1-negativo)
  ;2- Cuenta el numero de lugares despues de la coma y lo almacena en la variables lugares
  ;3- Construye el equivalente entero de la cadena. Para ello agarra cada numero y le resta 30h para transformarlo a decimal. Luego lo acumula
  ; en EAX.Por ultimo lo multiplica por 10. Y asi por cada numero
  ;4- Carga el numero entero en la FPU
  ;5- Divide entre 10.0 el numero de veces que lo indique la variable lugares
  ;6- Si la variable signo tiene 1, multiplica el numero restante por -1
  Proc strToFloat
    Mov [lugares],0
Mov [signo],0
Mov SI,0
lea ebx,cadtemp
   Mov byte ptr [BX+SI],' '
   cmp SI,[tam]
JNE inicializarCadena
push bp
mov bp,sp
    Mov SI,0
Mov ebx,[BP+6]
cmp byte ptr [BX+SI],'-'
JE @Signo
jmp CicloComa
  inc [signo]
   Mov DL,[BX+SI]
       INC SI
   cmp DL,'$'
   JE @Entero ;en el caso de que ya sea un numero entero
   cmp DL,','
JNE CicloComa
   INC [lugares]
       cmp byte ptr [BX+SI],'$'
JNE CicloContarDecimales


Mov SI,0h
Mov eax,0h

   Mov ecx,0
   Mov CL,[BX+SI]
   CMP CL,','
   CMP CL,'-'
   SUB CL,30h
   ADD eax, ecx
   MUL diezInt
   cmp byte ptr [BX+SI],'$'
JNE CicloInteger
DIV diezInt
Mov [entero],eax

     fild entero
mov ecx,0
    cmp ecx,[lugares]
JE ComprobarSigno
fld diezReal
inc ecx
jmp CicloDivisiones
     cmp [signo],1
JE Negativo
jmp FinStrToFloat
  fld menos
      MOV ebx,[BP+4]
  fstp dword ptr [ebx] ;carga el resultado en la variable indicada por el usuario
pop BP
ret 4
  strToFloat Endp
  Proc floatToStr
    Mov [lugares],0
Mov [signo],0
Mov SI,0
lea ebx,cadtemp
   Mov byte ptr [ebx+SI],' '
   cmp SI,[tam]
JNE @inicializarCadena
     Push BP
Mov CX,[BP+4]
Mov [lugares],CX
Mov ebx,[BP+8]
fld dword ptr [ebx] ;carga el numero real
CicloMoverComa:  ;multiplica por diez el numero de veces indicado por el usuario
    fld diezReal
        dec ecx
        cmp ecx,0
JNE CicloMoverComa   

      ftst         ;comprueba si el numero es negativo
      fstsw  eax    ;carga las banderas en ax
      sahf         ;carga el valor de AL en el registro de flags
  jb @negativo
      jmp @positivo
        Mov [signo],1
      fabs       ;convierte el numero a positivo
      fist [entero] ;redondea y almacena el valor en la variable entero  
     Mov SI,0
     Mov eax,[entero]
Lea ebx,cadTemp
Mov byte ptr [ebx+SI],'$'
CicloConstruirCadena:  ;construye la cadena de atras hacia adelante
IDIV [diezInt]  ;descompone el numero entero dividiendo entre diez
add DL,30h
Mov [ebx+SI],DL
cmp SI,[lugares]
JE @coma     ;agrega la coma si es un numero flotante
cmp SI,[tam]
JE @Error1
cmp eax,0
JNE CicloConstruirCadena
jmp @agregarMenos
  Mov byte ptr [ebx+SI],','
  jmp @noComa

@agregarMenos:   ;agrega el signo en caso de ser negativo
cmp [signo],1
JE @menos
jmp InvertirCadena
Mov byte ptr [ebx+SI],'-'
InvertirCadena: ;invierte la cadena
    jmp FinFloatToStr

mov edx,lerror1
mov ecx,error1
mov ebx,1
mov eax,4
int 0x80

   FinFloatToStr: ;copia la cadena resultante en la cadena de salida

  Mov DI,[BP+6]
  Lea ebx,cadTemp
    Mov CL,[ebx+SI]
Mov byte ptr [DI],CL
cmp SI,0
  JNE Copiar
  Mov byte ptr [DI],'$'

Pop BP
    ret 6
  floatToStr endP


Making it by myself is very difficult, i dont understand a lot of things, i need more experience to do it, i can make it in tasm but i get more points in nasm, its a homework, understand me?   :(

this is my error list:

s.asm:25: error: parser: instruction expected
s.asm:34: error: parser: instruction expected
s.asm:39: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:41: error: symbol `endM' redefined
s.asm:76: error: symbol `ConvertirStrReal' redefined
s.asm:76: error: parser: instruction expected
s.asm:82: error: parser: instruction expected
s.asm:108: error: parser: instruction expected
s.asm:115: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:124: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:140: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:160: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:186: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:189: error: parser: instruction expected
s.asm:191: error: symbol `Proc' redefined
s.asm:191: error: parser: instruction expected
s.asm:192: error: symbol `locals' redefined
s.asm:198: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:208: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:234: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:240: error: impossible combination of address sizes
s.asm:240: error: invalid effective address
s.asm:251: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:260: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:280: error: impossible combination of address sizes
s.asm:280: error: invalid effective address
s.asm:281: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:286: error: comma, colon or end of line expected
s.asm:290: error: parser: instruction expected

i will pass everything to english later, when i arrive to home.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 06:15:22 PM by emisaeljcr »

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: Tasm Macro to Nasm???
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2011, 09:18:30 PM »
Yow! You're right, you haven't got enough experience to do this. If the homework assignment expects you to write your own string-to-float and float-to-string routines, it's much too difficult. Drop the course! (only semi-joking)

Translating the macros from Tasm to Nasm requires a little experience, too, but you don't "need" macros. I'd suggest you get it working without macros, first. Then, once you understand what the macros need to do, write the macros!

Your subroutines are a weird mixture of 16-bit and 32-bit code. A lot of it isn't even legal ("[ebx + si]" and such). You can use 16-bit registers in 32-bit code, but you rarely need to. I'd change the 16-bit registers to 32-bit registers, for a start. That'll get rid of some of the Nasm errors, at least.

Even if you're required to accept floating point, you might want to finish up the integer version first. You had a good start at that. If you're allowed to use "scanf" and "printf", that would be a lot easier than trying to write your own conversion routines. (scanf requires the address of a float as a parameter, and printf always expects a double-precision float - those are the tricky parts!) What does the homework assignment require, anyway?

Here's an example that includes homemade string-to-float and float-to-string routines. They are VERY POOR! They don't check for overflow, and will give wrong results easily. I get around this (somewhat) by limiting the number of characters that can be entered. :) I wouldn't give myself a very good grade on it, but it more-or-less "works". Use scanf and printf if you can!
