I dunno. What's it say in the Friendly Manual? I've got a very old version, and the manual is in RTF, which I can't really read... I can see a reference to "breakpoint", but I can't make out what it says...
From my very small experience with OllyDbg, a long time ago, I recall that Olly complained that the entrypoint was outside the code segment (but debugged it anyway, as I recall). A modification to the segment declaration fixed it:
segment .text USE32 class=CODE
This was with the entrypoint (the "..start" symbol) in my file. Since your entrypoint is elsewhere, this may not apply to you, but might make OllyDbg friendlier to your code(?).
You might want to read this topic:
http://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=880.0Essentially, Nasm's implementation of 32-bit OMF is... rudimentary. Assembling to "-f win32" and converting to OMF with Agner Fog's "objconv" was working better with Borland tools, for this user.
Neither of these really addresses your question about breakpoints, but is about all I know on the subject (old politician's trick: if you don't know the answer to the question, answer some question you do know the answer to

) Maybe someone with more experience with OllyDbg can be more help.
Looks like you're converting some of Dr. Carter's stuff from C to D(?). Keep us posted on how it goes!