Hello Frank,
at last I,ve got time now for a reply:
I'm working with NASM version 0.98.39 compiled on Sep 21 2007
Here's my assembler code. It's only a simple translation from a C-Syscall to NASM. (The using of the regs is without any context) But first of all the C routine. It's only a ececve()-function to change a few vars in the environment:
/* execve.c */
int main (void) {
int j;
char filename[]={"/usr/bin/printenv"};
char *args[] = {"printenv", NULL};
char *env[] = {
int value;
value=execve(filename, args, env);
printf("\n\nObviously a mistake.\n\n");
printf("\n\nThis point is never reached!?\n\n");
return value;
Now the assembler tranlation which also works fine:
section .data
filename db '/usr/bin/printenv',0
argvek db 'printenv',0
envek db 'SHELL=/bin/bash',00Ah
db 'LOGNAME=a_Username',00Ah
db 'OSTYPE=L1N!!!???',0
msg db 00Ah,'If this is printed '
db 'call to exec failed ,',00Ah
db 'even if there is no error message!',00Ah,00Ah
len equ $-msg
msgf db 00Ah,'Obviously a mistake. Returned with -1!',00Ah,00Ah
lenf equ $-msgf
section .text
global _start
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BEGINN MAIN PROGRAMM ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; HERE IS THE TEST ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov rax,1 ; Three lines only to test the regs
mov r8,1
mov xmm0,1
xor eax,eax
mov ebx,filename
push eax
push argvek
mov ecx,esp
push eax
push envek
mov edx,esp
mov al,11
int 0x80
mov eax,4 ; syscall write
mov ebx,1 ; 1 = stdout
mov ecx,msg ; Show no error message
mov edx,len
int 0x80
cmp al,-1
jnz jumpit
mov eax,4 ; syscall write
mov ebx,1 ; 1 = stdout
mov ecx,msgf ; show error message
mov edx,lenf
int 0x80
mov eax, 1 ; End of programm, call to exit
mov ebx, 0
int 0x80
I also think, NASM should be able to handle the three lines above
> mov rax,1
> mov r8,1
> mov xmm0,1
But perhaps I need a spezial compiler switch? Or something for the linker?
(nasm -f elf execve.asm)
michel@linux-ms64:~/sysprog/jwclinux> make PROGLIST='exec2v0 exec2v0.asm'
exec2v0.asm:43: error: symbol `rax' undefined
exec2v0.asm:44: error: symbol `r8' undefined
exec2v0.asm:45: error: invalid combination of opcode and operands
ld -s -o execve execve.o -m elf_i386
So what can I do? As I said, gas is working without any problems if I use the huge regs and my 64 Bit-system also should know them.