Well... you could let main() guess, look to see what gcc made of it, and write a called function to suit. Guessing on both ends hasn't been working out well. :)
A compiler needs to know about "types" and stuff, since it has to make up the instructions. An assembler doesn't need to know, since we're telling it the instructions. But *somebody* has to know!
Easiest way is to bit-bucket the C and write the caller in asm, too. That way, there's no guessing. (if there's an error, it's in the assembly part :)
Many people hold a different opinion.
; nasm -f elf asmcallfloat64.asm
; link with previously assembled or compiled .o file
; ld -o asmcallfloat64 asmcallfloat64.o asmfloat64.o
; or ld -o asmcallfloat64 asmcallfloat64.o float64.o
global _start
extern float64val
section .data
a dq 63.0e3
hnl db "h", 10
hnl_len equ $ - hnl
word_10 dw 10 ; multiplier for the float-to-ascii routine
section .bss
numbuf resb 80
floatbuf resq 1
bcdbuf rest 1
section .text
; call our function with "&a"
push a
call float64val
add esp, 4
; result is top of FPU stack - store it
fst qword [floatbuf]
; print it in hex
mov eax, [floatbuf + 4]
call showeaxh
mov eax, [floatbuf]
call showeaxh
; print "h" and a newline
mov ecx, hnl
mov edx, hnl_len
call write_stdout
; result is still on top of FPU stack - convert to ascii
mov edi, numbuf ; buffer for string
mov ecx, 6 ; number of decimal places
call ftoa
; print it
mov ecx, numbuf
; zero-terminated string - we need length
or edx, byte -1
cmp byte [ecx + edx + 1], 1
inc edx
jnc .getlen
call write_stdout
; fudge another newline - skip the "h" :)
mov ecx, hnl + 1
mov edx, 1
call write_stdout
; exit
xor ebx, ebx ; no error (we claim)
mov eax, 1 ; __NR_exit
int 80h
; ftoa - converts floating point to string
; Based on some code "sponged" from a post to clax
; From: "Jim Morrison"
; Expects: Number to convert is on stack top - st(0)
; edi points to buffer to store string
; ecx = Decimal Places.
push eax
push ecx
push edx
push edi
push esi
mov edx, ecx ; save a copy of dec places
; if no decimal (integer)
jcxz .f2a2 ; skip multiply by ten loop
.f2a1: ; else loop to "scale" number
fimul word [word_10]
loop .f2a1
fbstp [bcdbuf] ; convert to bcd and store
mov esi, bcdbuf ; we'll pull digits from there
mov ecx, 9
lodsb ; get a pair of digits
mov ah, al ; move a copy to ah
shr ah, 4 ; shift out low nibble, keeping high
and eax, 0F0Fh ; mask out the digits we want
add eax, 3030h ; convert 'em both to ascii
push eax
mov al, ah ; swap and store the other digit
push eax
loop .f2a3 ; until done
cmp byte [bcdbuf+9], 0 ; sign flag at bcdbuf + 9 ?
je .f2a6
mov al, '-' ; minus sign if we need it
stosb ; store it at front of our string
mov ecx, 18
xor dh, dh
inc dl
pop eax
cmp al, '0'
jnz .store
or dh, dh
jnz .store
jmp short .nostore
inc dh
cmp cl, dl
jne .nopoint
or dh, dh ; if we haven't encountered a non-zero
jnz .nolz
mov al, '0' ; put a zero before the decimal point
mov al, '.' ; decimal point
stosb ; and store it
inc dh
loop .poploop
mov al, 0
pop esi
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop eax
push ebx
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 80h
pop ebx
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
sub esp, 10h
mov ecx, esp
xor edx, edx
mov ebx, eax
rol ebx, 4
mov al, bl
and al, 0Fh
cmp al, 0Ah
sbb al, 69h
mov [ecx + edx], al
inc edx
cmp edx, 8
jnz .top
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 80h
add esp, 10h
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax