Using floating point is one of them...
Pre-486 processors don't have an embeded 80x87 math co-processor in them. Most software at that time uses "emulated" floating point routines which are really SLOW (painfully slow - a division could take thousands of clock cycles to complete!) and, since earlier external 80x87 were available (and expensive), there were the need to use instructions like `fwait` to... well... wait the operations to complete!
`fwait`becomes obsolete on 486 and above just because the 80x87 math co-processor is embeded and it is available until now, on modern processors.
80x87 (fp87) deals with 3 structural precisions: single, double and extended, in conformance to IEEE-754 standard. In C we have `float`, `double` and `long double`, respectfully. The later (exteded) is a strange one: `float` and `double` have an "implicit" integer part set to 1 for "normalized" values (in binary), but in extended precision this bit is "excplicit", and MUST follow IEEE-754 rules: It should be 0 only for sub-normal values, where the expoent of the scale factor is minimim (E=0), otherwise, it must be 1. The only reason of existence of this structure is to accomodate 64 bits of precision in the "mantissa" (float has 24 bits, double, 53).
fp87 is still a little bit strange because don't rely on "registers", but a stack with only 8 levels, where `st(0)` is always the top of stack. Every time you push a value to the co-processor st(0) will point to that value. And, by default fp87 always deals with extended precision (you can change that in the control register).
To deal with fp87 you must master the RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) - used a lot in old HP calculators or in old languages like FORTH (FORTH is still used in Postscript!).
There is NO support for extended precision in SSE/AVX.
Another this to keep in mind is that floating point isn't "precise". This is a common mistake: The values stored in floating point structure are "fractional", but almost always "rounded". And this is easy to show... What happes if I ask you to divide some integer value by 3? What will you do? Use an integer division algorithm you learn in the school or multiply this integer value by 0.333333...? Notice n*1/3 isn't going to give you the precise answer: If you mutiply 9 by 0.33333... you'll get (if honest) 2.99999...998 (last digit rounded up at some point). This happens in binary floating point as well and it is worse!
There are lots of values that cannot be represented in floating point exactly, like 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9, never mind the precision used... If you choose 'double precision', 0.1 is, exactly 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625 (a little bit above the exact value). And gets worse: 0.3 is 0.299999999999999988897769753748434595763683319091796875, but 0.1 + 0.2 is 0.3000000000000000444089209850062616169452667236328125.
The first (0.3) is a little bit below the exact value and (0.1 + 0.2) is a little bit above. This is explained by the fact 0.1 and 0.2 are a little bit above their exact values and, when added, this small errors are added as well (and the result rounded to the nearest representable value).
Another thing: "Precision" is measured in bits, for computational purposes... So, a `double` (53 bits) has LESS precision then an `long long int` (63 bits), the same way a `float` (24 bits) has LESS precision than an `int` (31 bits).
So I recommend to avoid using floating point as far as you must...