I am trying to convert an example DOS TSR from MASM to NASM. I think I have most of it. Only thing I am not sure about is the part calling the old interrupt
Here is the original MASM version
TITLE Reset-Disabling program (No_Reset.asm)
; This program disables the usual DOS reset command
; (Ctrl-Alt-Del), by intercepting the INT 9 keyboard
; hardware interrupt. It checks the shift status bits
; in the MS-DOS keyboard flag and changes any Ctrl-Alt-Del
; to Alt-Del. The computer can only be rebooted by
; typing Ctrl+Alt+Right shift+Del. Assemble, link,
; and convert to a COM program by including the /T
; command on the Microsoft LINK command line.
; Last update: 12/12/2004
.model tiny
rt_shift EQU 01h ; Right shift key: bit 0
ctrl_key EQU 04h ; CTRL key: bit 2
alt_key EQU 08h ; ALT key: bit 3
del_key EQU 53h ; scan code for DEL key
kybd_port EQU 60h ; keyboard input port
ORG 100h ; this is a COM program
jmp setup ; jump to TSR installation
; Memory-resident code begins here
int9_handler PROC FAR
sti ; enable hardware interrupts
pushf ; save regs & flags
push es
push ax
push di
; Point ES:DI to the DOS keyboard flag byte:
L1: mov ax,40h ; DOS data segment is at 40h
mov es,ax
mov di,17h ; location of keyboard flag
mov ah,es:[di] ; copy keyboard flag into AH
; Test for the CTRL and ALT keys:
L2: test ah,ctrl_key ; CTRL key held down?
jz L5 ; no: exit
test ah,alt_key ; ALT key held down?
jz L5 ; no: exit
; Test for the DEL and Right-shift keys:
L3: in al,kybd_port ; read keyboard port
cmp al,del_key ; DEL key pressed?
jne L5 ; no: exit
test ah,rt_shift ; right shift key pressed?
jnz L5 ; yes: allow system reset
L4: and ah,NOT ctrl_key ; no: turn off bit for CTRL
mov es:[di],ah ; store keyboard_flag
L5: pop di ; restore regs & flags
pop ax
pop es
; here is the code I am not sure about
jmp cs:[old_interrupt9] ; jump to INT 9 routine
old_interrupt9 DWORD ?
int9_handler ENDP
end_ISR label BYTE
; --------------- (end of TSR program) ------------------
; Save a copy of the original INT 9 vector, and set up
; the address of our program as the new vector. Terminate
; this program and leave the int9_handler procedure in memory.
mov ax,3509h ; get INT 9 vector
int 21h
mov word ptr old_interrupt9,bx ; save INT 9 vector
mov word ptr old_interrupt9+2,es
mov ax,2509h ; set interrupt vector, INT 9
mov dx,offset int9_handler
int 21h
mov ax,3100h ; terminate and stay resident
mov dx,OFFSET end_ISR ; point to end of resident code
shr dx,4 ; divide by 16
inc dx ; round upward to next paragraph
int 21h ; execute MS-DOS function
END start
Here is my NASM port
; TITLE Reset-Disabling Program
section code
%define syscall int 0x21
rt_shift EQU 0x01
ctrl_key EQU 0x04
alt_key EQU 0x08
del_key EQU 0x53
keybd_port EQU 0x60
org 0x100
jmp setup
; memory resident code starts here
sti ; enable hardwrae interrupts
; save registers and CPU flags
push es
push ax
push di
; Point ES_DI to the DOS keyboard flag byte
mov ax, 0x40 ; DOS data segment is at 0x40
mov es, ax ; set es to the data segment
mov di, 0x17 ; location of keyboard flag
mov ah, [es:di] ; copy the keyboard flag to ah
; Test for the CTRL and ALT keys
test ah, ctrl_key ; is CTRL key down?
jz L5 ; no: exit
test ah, alt_key ; is ALT key down
jz L5 ; no: exit
; Test for DEL and Right Shift keys
in al, keybd_port
cmp al, del_key ; is DEL key down?
jz L5 ; no: exit
test ah, rt_shift ; is Right shft down
jnz L5 ; no: exit
and ah,!ctrl_key ; no turn off bit for ctrl
mov [es:di], ah ; store keyboard flag
pop di
pop ax
pop es
-- here is my version
jmp [cs:old_interrupt9]
old_interrupt9: dd 0x00000000
end_ISR: db 0
; ------ end of TSR program -------
; Save a copy of the original interrupt vector and set up
; the address of our program as the new vector, Terminate
; this program and save the int9_handler procedure in memory.
mov ax, 0x3509 ; get int9 vector
mov word [old_interrupt9], bx ; Save old interrupt vector
mov word [old_interrupt9+2], es ; Save old interrupt segment
mov ax, 0x2509 ; set interrupt vector
mov dx, int9_handler
mov ax, 0x3100 ; terminate and stay resident
mov dx, end_ISR ; set end of ISR
shr dx, 4 ; divide by 16
inc dx ; move upword to next paragraph
syscall ; excute DOS function
What I not sure about is jmp cs:[old_interrupt9]
Any help would be appreciated.