I had been trying to replicate an example from FASM (flat assembler) to NASM but I had not been able to do it and I try to understand the way NASM handles segments (sections).
ormat mz
entry main:start
stack 100h
segment main
mov ax, text
mov ds, ax
mov dx, hello
call extra:write_text
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
segment text
hello db 'Hello world!', 24h
segment extra
mov ah, 9
int 21h
FASM generates a MSDOS exe file and loading this in DEBUG I see the following:
0D9D:0000 B89F0D MOV AX,0D9F
0D9D:0003 8ED8 MOV DS,AX
0D9D:0005 BA0000 MOV DX,0000
0D9D:0008 9A0000A00D CALL 0DA0:0000
0D9D:000D B8004C MOV AX,4C00
0D9D:0010 CD21 INT 21
As you may see, FASM creates the segment and set the CALL as a far call. extra is effectively placed in a separate segment. The data segment is in a separate segment as well.
I tried doing this example in NASM
section code
mov ax, seg hello
mov ds, ax
mov dx, hello
call extra:write_text
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
section data
hello db "Hello World!", 24h
section extra
mov ah, 9
int 21h
section stack class=stack
resb 100h
And linking with wlink using this link file:
system dos
option map
name seg2.exe
file seg2.obj
The generated code is [i]slightly[/i] different:
0D9D:0000 B89D0D MOV AX,0D9D
0D9D:0003 8ED8 MOV DS,AX
0D9D:0005 BA1200 MOV DX,0012
0D9D:0008 9A1F009D0D CALL 0D9D:001F
0D9D:000D B8004C MOV AX,4C00
0D9D:0010 CD21 INT 21
0D9D:0012 48 DEC AX
0D9D:0013 65 GS: (unused)
0D9D:0014 6C INSB
0D9D:0015 6C INSB
0D9D:0016 6F OUTSW
0D9D:0017 20576F AND [BX+6F],DL
0D9D:001A 726C JB 0088
0D9D:001C 642124 AND FS:[SI],SP
0D9D:001F B409 MOV AH,09
As you may see, write_text is in the same segment as the rest of the code (and apparently the data segment as well) but it was not put in a separate segment as I thought.
Am I missing something here? Is there any way to actually place code in a separate segment? Any help, guidance or explanation of what is happening or how to achieve such would be appreciated!
and yes, I tried in MASM and the same thing happens, is FASM the only one with that super power?