So i am new to assembler and am struggling trying to read a value such as 10001010 using either
call read_int
call read_char
and then taking that input from the keyboard and splitting into an array such as
Is this even possible?
thank you for any advice, and i appreciate any coding help. Here is what i have so far.
%include "/usr/local/share/asm_io.inc"
segment .data
message db "Enter code?: ",0
var1 dd 123
bitmask dd 1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1
mask dd 11100011
segment .bss
cook resd 8
segment .text
global asm_main
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
;********** CODE STARTS HERE **********
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
cmp ebx, 8
jge endinit
mov DWORD [cook + ebx * 4], eax
inc ebx
jmp topinit
cld ;clear destination flag
mov eax, message ;display message
call print_string
;call read_char
call read_int
mov DWORD [var1], eax
call read_char ;\n
mov eax, DWORD [var1]
dump_regs 1
call print_int
jmp endloop2
call print_nl
; *********** CODE ENDS HERE ***********
mov eax, 0
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp