Hi all,
Just finished porting several projects from Fasm to Nasm, for several reasons.
These are realmode (BIOS and DOS) projects, so all is 16bit here.
Only thing left to do is fixing the structure accessing.
We have a struct, defined as
struc foo
.bar db ?
.bla db 20 dup(?)
.erm dw ?
Now, we get called from another task, and they pass us a
pointer to 'foo' in es:bx.
The code then wants to do
mov al, es:[bx].bar
but it chokes, as it doesnt know what to do with the '.bar' tag.
What is the proper syntax to "cast" the es:bx pointer to be of
type 'foo' ? I also tried
mov al, es:[bx]foo.bar
but still nada...