I have builded nasm211 for win32-64 only, using VC++2005, express edition.
I have excluded the unnecessary files.
Anyone interested can download the .zip file.
Unzip the file and do a double click on nasm211.sln.
If someone has VC++2008 express instead of VC++2005, VC++2008 will adapt
the project.
Because VC++2005 comes with its own include and libraries
that use msvcr80 DLL or its static libraries that add a ton of code,
I changed this behavior so that to use the MSVCRT.dll that is a system DLL.
To do this, you should download the Windows Server 2003 Service Pack1 (SP1) Driver Development Kit (DDK).
Make the folder: C:\WINDDK.
Then run VC++2005 and from menu Tools--->Options, go to Projects and Solutions--->VC++ Directories, select: Include Files and make two directories: C:\WINDDK\inc\crt and C:\WINDDK\inc\w2k.
Then select: Library Files and make two directories:
C:\WINDDK\lib\crt\i386 and C:\WINDDK\lib\w2k\i386.
In this way, VC++2005 will use the MSVCRT.dll instead of MSVCR80.dll.
The above new directories must locate on the top of list box,
so that VC++2005 will find these before find its own directories.