Kind of an algorithmic question, rather than a Nasm question... so ask Al Gore! :)
Seriously, if you're as new to Nasm as that, this is too hard for you to start with. The obvious approach would be to sort the grades first. You probably aren't ready to tackle that(?). Finding the highest grade in the list isn't too difficult - keeping track of which student ID it goes with complicates it, and finding next-highest too...
Anyway... first you'll need a couple of arrays for your data. I'd suggest giving them more meaningful names than "A" and "B"... The grades given look like they're on a scale of 0 to 100(?), so they'll fit in a byte.
grades db 10, 50, 40, ... ; ten of 'em
Student IDs are three digits, we're told, but they won't fit in a byte. We'll need at least a word array. Might as well make it dword, in case we're at a big school (although "three digits" rules that out).
students dd 211,222,233, ... ; ten of 'em
Fetch each of the grades in turn, comparing it against the "current maximum". If it's higher, make it our current maximum, and save the index into the array, so we can tell which student it belongs to.
My first attempt at this tried to find "second place" in the same loop - what I wound up with worked for *this* data, but screwed up if the highest grade was first in the list. This attempt just duplicates the "find highest" loop with a second copy, this time skipping over the "highest" we previously found. Crude, but probably good enough for a beginner assignment...
This is for Linux, and will want the "display" and "exit" routines changed for Windows (dos?)... whatever platform you're on. If this is for dos, the addressing mode will have to be changed to find the student ID(s). (mov bx, [blah_index] / shl bx, 1 / mov ax, [bx] - this assumes a word array for students IDs!) Maybe give you some ideas how to approach it...
; nasm -f elf grades.asm
; ld -o grades grades.o
global _start
section .data
grades db 10, 50, 40, 60, 35, 78, 90, 45, 21, 23
numgrades equ $ - grades
students dd 211, 222, 233, 244, 255, 266, 277, 288, 299, 300
section .bss
maxgrade resb 1
secondgrade resb 1
maxgrade_index resd 1
secondgrade_index resd 1
section .text
; find highest grade
xor ebx, ebx
mov ecx, numgrades
mov al, [grades + ebx]
cmp [maxgrade], al
jae .notmax
mov [maxgrade], al
mov [maxgrade_index], ebx
inc ebx
loop .top
; do it again for the silver
xor ebx, ebx
mov ecx, numgrades
cmp [maxgrade_index], ebx
je .notsecond ; skip the highest one we found
mov al, [grades + ebx]
cmp [secondgrade], al
jae .notsecond
mov [secondgrade], al
mov [secondgrade_index], ebx
inc ebx
loop .top2
; display results - you'll want it more verbose than this. :)
mov ebx, [maxgrade_index]
mov eax, [students + ebx * 4]
call showeaxd
mov ebx, [secondgrade_index]
mov eax, [students + ebx * 4]
call showeaxd
; exit to OS
mov eax, 1
int 80h
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
sub esp, 10h
lea ecx, [esp + 12]
mov ebx, 10
xor esi, esi
mov byte [ecx], 0
dec ecx
xor edx, edx
div ebx
add dl, '0'
mov [ecx], dl
inc esi
or eax, eax
jnz .top
mov edx, esi
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 80h
add esp, 10h
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax