I am trying to make the following call to execve:
execve("/bin/echo", ["this is a test"], NULL);
So that the terminal writes "this is a test" via echo. Frankly, I've been getting my butt kicked trying to lay this out properly with the argv data on the stack. This is what I have:
global _main
default rel
section .text
; 546869732069 7320612074657374
xor rdx, rdx ; Set envp to NULL
push rdx ;push NULL on stack to terminate string as 0 terminator
mov rax,0x7374612074650000
push rax
mov rax, 0x6973732054682069
push rax
push rdx
mov rdi, rsp
add rdi, 16
push rdi
add rdi, 8
mov rdi, rsp
push rdi
push rdx
mov rax, binary
push rax
mov rsi, rsp
;push rdx
lea rdi, [binary] ;mov binary file path into syscall
mov rax, 0x3b
mov rax, 0x60 ; exit
mov rdi, 0
section .data
align 8
binary: db '/bin/echo', 0
As it is, this echoes a blank line. I know I am getting the call to echo from .data ok, but the argv part is what is tripping me up hard. I'm unsure of exactly how to lay out "this is a test" and where the NULLs need to go. Moreso, endianness may be tripping me up as it seems it switches the lower and higher 32 bits. Any help here would be GREATLY appreciated.