I tried a minimal example and I got the same problem. Here is the .bat and .asm files. And yes I will be joining the osdev forum. No one said this was going to be easy but I want to learn something and it will be rewarding in the end.
@echo off
rem nasm .\MYOS\rdftest\rdftest.asm -o .\MYOS\rdftest\rdftest.rdf -f rdf
nasm C:\WebSites\MyWebSite\MYOS\rdftest\rdftest.asm -o C:\WebSites\MyWebSite\MYOS\rdftest\rdftest.rdf -f rdf
echo rdftest.rdf created.
; Filename ".\MYOS\rdftest\rdftest.asm"
segment .data ; data section.
segment .text ; code section.
segment .bss ; bss section.