I have nothing to do at this hour, so here's a basic timer program for Win64. You can use this to time a chunk of your code. Try to loop it to make it worthy a timer test. If your tested code clocks 0.00000s then you probably have the fastest code on the planet. Joking
;Basic timer for Win64
;nasm -f win64 thisfile.asm
;golink /console /entry _main thisfile.obj msvcrt.dll kernel32.dll
global _main
section .data
begin: dq 0
finish: dq 1
freq: dq 1
million: dq 1000000.0
fmt: db 0ah,'%.7lfs',0
section .text
mov rcx,freq
call QueryPerformanceFrequency
mov rcx,begin
call QueryPerformanceCounter
;insert timed instructions
;Instructions should be long enough
;to be timer worthy
mov rcx,finish
call QueryPerformanceCounter
mov rax,[finish]
mov rbx,[begin]
sub rax,rbx ;finish-begin
fild qword[freq] ;convert all to double
fstp qword[freq] ;freq converted
push rax
fild qword[rsp] ;elapsedMS converted
fmul qword[million] ;elapsedMS=elapsedMS*1000000
fld qword[freq]
fdivp st1,st0 ;elapsedMS=elapsedMS/freq
fdiv qword[million] ;convert ms to sec
fstp qword[rsp]
pop rdx
mov rcx,fmt
call printf
mov rcx,0
call exit
extern QueryPerformanceCounter
extern QueryPerformanceFrequency
extern exit
extern printf
extern getchar
extern _sleep ;for verification