extern __cprintf
extern __getch
global main
section .data
IntFormat db "%i",0
RemainderFormat db ".%i",0
AnInt1 dd 0
AnInt2 dd 0
section .text
;DIV performs unsigned integer division. The explicit operand provided is the divisor; the dividend and destination operands are implicit, in the following way:
;For DIV r/m8, AX is divided by the given operand; the quotient is stored in AL and the remainder in AH.
;For DIV r/m16, DX:AX is divided by the given operand; the quotient is stored in AX and the remainder in DX.
;For DIV r/m32, EDX:EAX is divided by the given operand; the quotient is stored in EAX and the remainder in EDX.
mov edx,0
mov eax, 13
mov ebx, 2
div ebx ;ax.dx is the answer
mov [AnInt1] , eax
mov [AnInt2], edx
push dword [AnInt1]
push IntFormat
call __cprintf
push dword [AnInt2]
push RemainderFormat
call __cprintf
call __getch
yields 6.1
Although now atleast if I divide something without a remainder the result is correct.
What am i doing wrong ? ^^
I realise the e.x registers are 32 bit and I don't need to use them for such small divisions but i was too lazy to edit them XD
I am however fiddling with the code waiting for a reply !