Where a function is only called once or maybe a few times, I choose space over speed. I also try to engineer data section so those strings only used once can then become a miscellaneous buffer instead of in .const and then becoming dead space.
Temp equ $
NmePrompt db 10, 9, '[ ] - ', 0
NmeQuery db 10, 10, 'Please select [ A - '
MaxQuery db ' ] ', 0
NoFile db 9, 'You must specify a file in command line', 0
Confirm db 'Processing ', 0
TempSize equ $ - Temp
SignOff db 10, 10, 9, '*** DONE ***', 10, 0
As application develops
Temp becomes larger than its present 89 bytes, but it is space that can be utilised later with
a little more permanency than stack.
ShowTitle needs 96 bytes for characters and 3 for double linefeed / null combination. A space of 104 though keeps stack qword aligned.
; * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -
; Display applications primary prompt
; ENTRY: Nothing
; LEAVE: RAX - RCX - RDX modified
; 5EH = 94 Bytes
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ShowTitle push rsi
push rdi
enter 104, 0 ; Frame to hold line
; Top bar of title prompt is a series of 96 equal signs.
mov al, '='
call InitFrame
mov word [rbp - 8], 10 ; Linefeed / Null combination
mov rsi, rsp
call Console
; Calculate how many spaces are required to position title string in center of screen
mov rcx, rax ; Move size of display area
sub cl, .PmtSize ; Subtract size of string
shr cl, 1 ; (Display-Size) / 2
mov al, ' '
call FillMem
add rcx, rsi
mov byte [rcx], 0 ; Set terminator
call Console
mov rsi, .Prompt
call Console
; Bottom bar of title prompt is a series of 96 minus signs with double linefeed
mov al, '-'
call InitFrame
mov dword [rbp - 8], 0x0a0a ; double linefeed / Null combination
mov rsi, rsp
call Console
pop rdi
pop rsi
.Prompt db 'Spectrum Business / Personal Record Keeping', 10, 0
.PmtSize equ $ - .Prompt ; = 45 bytes
Additional to the size of
.Prompt to declare the same functionality in .const would require 98 bytes first line 30 to tab prompt to proper position to centre and 99 for bottom line. This would be 227 bytes of dead object versus 94 that routine requires.
FillMem & InitFrame can be viewed @
http://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=1388.0 Console
http://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=1379.0NOTE: As anything declared in
.const winds up in
.text anyway, permanent strings are embedded in code so they are closer to where they're being used and easier to find as I'm not using an IDE.