Hey all, admittedly this is some homework help.
I'm trying to write a program which takes a string in of hex characters, calls an assembler function which gives me the decimal value of the hex string. That assembler function calls a "checker" function in C which makes sure each character is a legal HEX value.
My question is, how do I take an EBX register in assembler and properly pass it to a C function expecting a character. I can't seem to properly pass from assembler back to C. Am I accidentally passing a pointer here? I also can't seem for the life of me to get an individual character out of EBX:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char input[255];
int dec_value;
while (1)
printf ("Please enter a maximal 4 digit hex integer using a string of hex digits: ");
scanf ("%s",input);
if (strlen(input) <= 4)
printf ("The string is too long!\n");
printf ("You entered: ");
printf ("%s\n",input);
extern int hex2dec(char[]);
dec_value = hex2dec(input);
printf ("%i",dec_value);
if (dec_value == -1) {
printf ("There's an invalid character!\n");
else {
printf ("Decimal value of character %s is:%d \n", input, dec_value);
return 0;
int checkdigit (char hex)
printf (" - %c - ", hex);
if ( (hex <= 70 && hex >= 65) || (hex >= 48 && hex <= 57) ) {
if ( hex >= 65 ) {
printf ("Letter");
return ( (int) (hex-'A'+10 ));
else {
printf ("Number");
return hex - 48;
return -1;
segment .data
segment .text
global hex2dec
extern checkdigit, printf
push EBP
push EDX
push EBX
mov EDX,0D ; 0 EDX
mov EBX, [EBP+8] ; copy the string to EDX
push EBX
call printf ; print whole string
call checkdigit ; pass character to interpret
add ESP,4 ;on return clear the stack,
;the value is in EAX
pop EBX ;restore EBX
pop EDX ;restore EDX
pop EBP