I recently downloaded NASMIDE and NASM16
I am trying to learn ASM. I am getting errors when try to assemble a sample file
here is my code
[BITS 16] ; Set 16 bit code generation
SEGMENT code ; Segment containing code
..start: ; The two dots tell the linker to Start Here.
; Note that this is a special symbol and MUST
; be in lower case! "..start:" "..START:"
; In real mode segmented model, a program uses three segments, and it must
; set up the addresses in the three corresponding segment registers. This
; is what the ASSUME directive does in MASM; we ASSUME nothing in NASM!
; Each of the three segments has a name (here, code, data, and stack) and
; these names are identifiers indicating segment addresses. It is the
; appropriate segment address that is moved into each segment register.
; Note that you can't move an address directly into a segment register;
; you must first move the address into a general purpose register. Also
; note that we don't do anything with CS; the ..start: label tells the
; linker where the code segment begins.
mov ax,data ; Move segment address of data segment into AX
mov ds,ax ; Copy address from AX into DS
mov ax,stack ; Move segment address of stack segment into AX
mov ss,ax ; Copy address from AX into SS
mov sp,stacktop ; Point SP to the top of the stack
mov dx,eatmsg ; Mem data ref without [] loads the ADDRESS!
mov ah,9 ; Function 9 displays text to standard output.
int 21H ; INT 21H makes the call into DOS.
mov ax, 04C00H ; This DOS function exits the program
int 21H ; and returns control to DOS.
SEGMENT data ; Segment containing initialized data
eatmsg db "Eat at Joe's!", 13, 10, "$" ;Here's our message
SEGMENT stack stack ;This means a segment of *type* "stack"
; that is also *named* "stack"! Some
; linkers demand that a stack segment
; have the explicit type "stack"
resb 64 ; Reserve 64 bytes for the program stack
stacktop: ; It's significant that this label points to
; the *last* of the reserved 64 bytes, and
; not the first!