Where's the bios interrupt?
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
? Dos should load with cs=ds=es (for a .com file only!). Doesn't hurt to make sure. Good habit, to make sure ds actually points to your data!
xor cx, cx
? Won't hurt.
jmp $
? We usually try to NOT hang the machine...
Here's a different bios interrupt:
org 100h
segment .data
; message in char,attrib,char,attrib... format
msg1 db 'M',01h,'a',02h,'n',03h,'y',04h,' ',05h,'T',06h
db 'h',07h,'a',08h,'n',09h,'k',0Ah,'s',0Bh,' ',0Ch
db 't',0Dh,'o',0Eh,' ',0Fh,'R',01h,'a',02h,'l',03h
db 'f',04h,' ',05h,'B',06h,'r',07h,'o',08h,'w',09h
db 'n',0Ah,'!',0Bh ; no need to terminate...
msg1len dw $-msg1 ; let the assembler count 'em!
segment .text
mov ax, 3 ; reset video mode to 3 (cheesy CLS)
int 10h ; call bios video services
mov bp, msg1 ; point to string
mov cx, [msg1len] ; length of string - chars + attributes
shr cx, 1 ; div by two to get char-only len for the call
mov dh, 0Bh ; row
mov dl, 01Ah ; column
mov bh, 0 ; video page "usually" (?) zero
; don't care what BL is for this AL
mov ah, 13h ; write string in ES:BP at DH,DL (row,column)
mov al, 2 ; char, attr,... format - no cursor update
; 3 - char,attrib - update cursor
; 1 - attrib in BL - update cursor
; 0 - attrib in BL - no update
int 10h ; call video services (AT+,EGA+ ???)
; rather than alter the pallette, we just
mov bx, msg1 ; change the colors in the string, and
mov cx, [msg1len] ; reprint it (no cursor update :) ! )
shr cx, 1 ; number of colors
inc bx ; skip over character
mov al,[bx] ; get current color
inc al ; bump it
cmp al, 10h ; we only change low nibble - high nibble
jnz colorok ; is background (bit 7 set - FG blinks)
mov al, 1 ; we don't want color zero (black), or we
colorok: ; could just "or al,0Fh"
mov [bx], al ; stuff it back in the string
inc bx ; point to next character
loop morecolors ; do 'em all
mov cx, 2 ; BIOS is "slow", but we still
call DELAYCX ; need some delay
mov ah, 1 ; check keyboard status
int 16h
jz domore ; no key hit - do it again
mov ah, 0 ; get the key off the buffer
int 16h
; could clearscreen again here, but
exit: ; naw, let's leave it...
mov ah, 4Ch ; scram
int 21h
; twiddle thumbs for cx/18.2 seconds
push ax
push bx
push ds
mov bx, 40h ; BIOS data segment
mov ds, bx
mov bx, 6Ch ; BIOS timer, 40:6C
mov ax, [bx]
add ax, cx
cmp ax, [bx] ; Is it the same?
jnc DelayLoop ; No, try again.
pop ds ; Restore registers and exit.
pop bx
pop ax