Hello, it's been a week since I have started to write this program but still no success
I get "Access violation - cannot read memory at 0x000001" at the end of the program. Also, do not mind about comments, they're in my language.
Can anyone suggest what could be wrong?
Task: In an assembler language, write recursive function that calculates the n-th term of a sequence in the series:
f(n) = f(n-3) + f(n-2), n > 2, f(0) = 1, f(1)=1, f(2) = 7
My program:bits 32
extern _printf
global _main
section .data
izpis db "Rezultat za f(%d)= %d",10,0 ;za izpis zaporedja
n dd 0
section .text
mov eax, [esp+4] ;trenutni argument shranimo v eax
cmp eax,0 ;primerjamo, ?e je argument 0 in v tem primeru v eax shranimo 1
je .vrni1
cmp eax,1
je .vrni1
cmp eax,2 ;primerjamo argument z 2
je .vrni7
sub eax,2 ;n=n-2
mov edx, eax ;eax (n) shranimo v drug register, saj se bo vrednost eax spremenila
push eax ;na sklad potisnemo eax (n-2)
call _rekurz ;klicemo funkcijo za trenutni (n-2) - rezultat bo v eax
add esp,4 ;pobrišemo argument
mov ecx,eax ;dobljeno vrednost shranimo v ecx, za?asno
mov eax,edx ;v eax nazaj shrani tisti trenutni n (n-2)
dec eax ;in se zmanjsamo za 1 (n-2 -1 = n-3)
push eax ;in to potisnemo na sklad na naslednji klic
call _rekurz ;klicemo funkcijo za trenutni (n-3) - rezultat bo v eax
add esp,4
add eax,ecx ;rezultata seštejemo
mov eax,1
mov eax,7
; klic funkcije - rad bi izracunal 10. clen
push 10
call _rekurz
add esp,4
; izpis rezultata
push eax
push 10
push dword izpis
call _printf
add esp, 8