Hi Pizearke,
Sorry for the delay. What you show is Gas code, of course, not Nasm. Maybe we can help you anyway... but I'm not sure what you want to do. You've read up to 500 bytes from stdin. %eax will hold the number of bytes actually read - including the linefeed. Is that what you want to return? You could just "movl %eax, %ebx" - you can see it with "echo $?" - but only %bl is valid, so if your user types more than 255 bytes, you'll get the wrong answer.
Or maybe you want to write it back - same setup as read, but with stdout (1) in %ebx and $4 in %eax...
If you're trying to have the user input a number, and do something with that, you'll have to convert text to number first. And then convert number to text before you can write a number... If that's what you want to do with it...
What's "#insert action here" supposed to do?