take this code sippet:
segment .rdata ; *** Attributes as in 1st segment declaration ***
; *** Rounding flags for FRNDINT
rndMath dw 0x037F ;Default round after FINIT (mathematische Rundung)
rndCeil dw 0x037F|0x0800 ;Round up to high integer (Gaussklammer oben)
rndFloor dw 0x037F|0x0400 ;Round down to low integer (Gaussklammer unten)
rndTrunc dw 0x037F|0x0C00 ;Truncate towards zero int (Nachkommawert abschneiden)
; *** Random Generator: linear congruential generator (LCG)
randConst dd 0x00003039 ;ANSI C: Addition constant: = 12345
randMult dd 0x41C64E6D ;ANSI C: Multiplicator: = 1103515245
randShift dd 0x00000000 ;ANSI C: No shift necessary
randMask dd 0x7FFFFFFF ;ANSI C: Take bits 0..30
randValue dd 0x3C6EF35F ;Initial value & result container
segment .code ; *** Attributes as in 1st segment declaration ***
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; --- R N D D O U B L E ---
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; rndDoubleFunc is a LCG random number generator based on ANSI C specification.
; This floating point versions returns values 0 <= rnd <= 1
; DOUBLE rndDoubleFunc()
; DOUBLE seedDoubleFunc()
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push edx ;Save edx register
mov eax, [randValue] ;Calculate
mov edx, [randMult] ; R(n+1) :=
mul edx ; (R(n)*MULT + CONST)
add eax, [randConst] ; MOD MASK
and eax, [randMask] ; in CPU register and
mov dword [randValue], eax ; save back R(n+1)
pop edx ;Restore edx regsiter
fild dword [randValue] ;Normalize
fidiv dword [randMask] ; to ONE in FPU
.end: ret ;Return
push edx ;Save edx register
rdtsc ;Get real time clock
and eax, [randMask] ; and mask it and
mov dword [randValue], eax ; save back as R(n+1)
pop edx ;Restore edx regsiter
fild dword [randValue] ;Normalize
fidiv dword [randMask] ; to ONE in FPU
.end: ret ;Return
Seed is initializing by timer
Rnd gives the next from series