On the link line you enter the filename as "hwmb.obj" yet ALINK throws an error on the name "helloworld". Is it possible that you are entering a longname which ALINK doesn't recognize ?
If you're committed to using ALINK then the following answer won't help.But if you want to use GOLINK the following code will work.
GOLINK can be found at :
http://www.jorgon.freeserve.co.uk/These are the assemble/link commands for NASM/GOLINK
nasm -f win32 tester.asm -o tester.obj
golink.exe /entry:start tester.obj user32.dll
The INCLUDE paths are, of course, valid only on my machine. You'll need to change them for your work.
Notice that the second INCLUDE is REMMed out because it requires a file (NASM32.INC) which will enable the INVOKE command. NASM32.INC is a file which comes with the NASM32 package from AsmCommunity.com.
I'm sure SourceForge has a similar macro file here I've just never had to use it.
%include '\nasm32\inc\win32\windows.inc'
;;;%include '\nasm32\inc\nasm32.inc'
extern MessageBoxA
;======== DATA
title1 db 'A Windows Program', 0
string1 db 'Look, Ma! A Windows program!', 0
;========== YOUR WAY
push MB_OK
push title1
push string1
push 0
call MessageBoxA
;INVOKE requires a macro file similar to NASM32.INC to work.
; invoke MessageBoxA,0,string1,title1,MB_OK