Hi Cesar,
I'd use dd. If your development OS doesn't have that, you could use "rawwrite", or John Fine's "partcopy", or DEBUG will do it (have to format the disk first - PITA!).
Or... since you claim to have control of the computer, you could write one. :)
Here's a start...
P.S. Your bootsector assumes that ds is zero. This may or may not be true - depends on the bios. If it doesn't work, that's probably why. If it does work on your machine, it may not work on another. As the Masm folks say, "Assume Nothing! :)
Having said that, *this* file assumes that your bootsector is named "boot.bin", and is going on a: :)
; nasm -f bin -o writeit.com writeit.asm
[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x100]
mov ax,3D00h
mov dx,filename
int 21h
; check for errors here!
mov bx,ax
mov ah,3Fh
mov dx,buffer
mov cx,512
int 21h
; check for errors here!
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h
push ds
pop es
mov bx, buffer
mov dl, 00h
mov dh, 0
mov cl, 1
mov ch, 0
mov ah, 03h
mov al, 1
int 13h
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h
filename db 'BOOT.BIN',0
buffer times 512 db 0