On August 19, 2018, 10:39:51 PM Frankly replied -
The resulting Hello2.exe file after the ld linking is a bloated 3535 Bytes compared to Hello1.exe size of 1536 bytes from GoLink.
After further reading of the different versions of ld.exe manuals I found the ld.exe option '--strip-all' in ld.exe version 2.28 which removes all symbols from ld's exe file output.
So after updating my ld.exe to version 2.28 and running this command line (thanks again to 'stressful' for the -m and -subsystem suggestions)...
ld.exe --strip-all -m i386pe Hello2.obj -subsystem windows C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll -o C:\Hello2.exe
...the resulting Hello2.exe file is now 1536 Bytes - JUST like the resulting Hello2.exe file from my GoLink.exe version!
I have included this latest Hello2.exe(Hello2.zip) file for anyone that wishes to analyze it.
EDIT - I accidently modified my Hello2.asm code a little (I changed the Window Title and the message now says 'Hello2!' instead of 'Howdy') however the file itself is basically the same. (I do not have the moderator capablitiles to delete uploaded files so I could not fix this myself)