so far did not understand was nothing.
1) only cmd.exe used only three times in my life, this is the fourth
2) I do not know if what I'm writing in cmd.exe is right or wrong, I do not know what the order of writing
3) this code that you insert when I said in cmd.exe?
the file hello.txt is in E: \ or whatever address is E: \ hello.txt
the nasm.exe is in C: \ Users \ Speciallink \ nasm-2:11:08 ie the address is C: \ Users \ Speciallink \ nasm-2.11.08 \ nasm.exe
when I open cmd.exe is already written C: \ Users \ Speciallink \
and then I write what I want and looks like this:
C: \ Users \ Speciallink> nasm-2.11.08 \ nasm.exe nasm -f win32 hello.txt -IE: \ hello.txt
then the cmd.exe says:
nasm: error: more than one imput file specied
type 'nasm -h' for help
C: \ Users \ Speciallink>
hello.txt the content is this:
- section .data
- msg db 'Como programar em Assembly - Curso Assembly Progressivo', 0AH
- len equ $-msg
- section .text
- global _start
- _start: mov edx, len
- mov ecx, msg
- mov ebx, 1
- mov eax, 4
- int 80h
- mov ebx, 0
- mov eax, 1
- int 80h