I am having problems with my code. I know what I want to do, just not sure if it's within the specifications.
I am trying to use the mul command which is normally used to multiply a register with the contents of ax. What I am trying to do is define (or declare) a constant, and then multiply against that.
Here is the code of the procedure.
; calculate bx=bx/10
push ax
xor dx, dx
mov ax, bx
div ten ; ax = dx:ax / 10 (dx=remainder).
mov bx, ax
pop ax
jmp begin_print
it doesn't work, saying invalid combinations of opcode or operands.
I know it's supposed to be with contents of a register, how can I fix this? =)
Thanks in advance,
changed the code line with mul to
mul byte [ten]
and that compiled, but running into other errors.
have a nice weekend =)