im haveing trouble with this line >> mov [read_len],ax ; returns number of bytes actually
i cant figure out how count up the bytes then put that number in read read_ien
org 100h
section .text
;open test1.txt
mov ah, 3dh ;Open the file
mov al, 0 ;Open for reading
mov dx, filename1 ;Presume DS points at filename
int 21h ; segment.
jc BadOpen
mov [filehnd1], ax ;Save file handle
;read from test1.txt 1 byte at a time into buffer
mov ah,3fh ;Read data from the file
mov bx, [filehnd1] ;Get file handle value
mov cx, 1
mov dx, textbuf ;Address of data buffer
int 21h
jc ReadError
cmp ax, 0 ;EOF reached?
jne EOF
mov [read_len],ax ; returns number of bytes actually
jmp LP ;Read next byte
mov bx, [filehnd1]
mov ah, 3eh ;Close file
int 21h
jc CloseError
;create test2.txt
mov ah,3Ch ; the open/create-a-file function
mov cx,2 ; file attribute - normal file
mov dx,filename2 ; address of a ZERO TERMINATED! filename string
int 021h ; call on Good Old Dos
jc BadOpen
mov [filehnd2],ax ; returns a file handle (probably 5)
;write to test2.txt
mov ah,040h ; write-to-a-file
mov bx,[filehnd2] ; file handle for standard output
mov cx,read_len ; bytes to write - same number we read :)
mov dx,textbuf ; buffer to write from
int 021h ; call on Good Old Dos
;close test2.txt
mov ah,03Eh ; close the file
mov bx,[filehnd2] ; yeah, file handle in bx
int 021h ; call on Good Old Dos
jc CloseError
jmp exit
mov dx,msgclose
mov ah,09
int 21h
xor ax,ax
int 016h
jmp exit
mov dx,msgread
mov ah,09
int 21h
xor ax,ax
int 016h
jmp exit
mov dx,msgopen
mov ah,09
int 21h
xor ax,ax
int 016h
jmp exit
mov ah,04Ch ; terminate-program function
int 021h ; you guessed it!
section .data
msgclose db "unable to close file...", 0x0d, 0x0a, '$'
msgread db "read error...", 0x0d, 0x0a, '$'
msgopen db "open error...", 0x0d, 0x0a, '$'
filename2 db 'test2.txt',0
filename1 db 'test1.txt',0
textbuf times 100 db 0
filehnd1 db 0
filehnd2 db 0
read_len db 0