the line that says
cmp al,13
how do i tell what 13 stands for?
i thought maybe end of file
org 0x100
section .text
jmp Main
Welcome: db "WBS Write Boot Sector v1.0 (c)1999emJay.",10,13,'$'
AskInfile: db "What is the location of the bootsector on your hardisk?",10,13,":$"
ErrorOpen: db "An error has occurred.....quiting.",10,13,'$'
OpenSuccess: db "File opened successfully.",10,13,'$'
InitSuccess: db "Floppy initialised successfully.",10,13,'$'
WriteSuccess: db "Bootsector written successfully.",10,13,'$'
Counter: db 3
mov ah,0x09
mov dx,Welcome
int 0x21
mov dx,AskInfile
int 0x21
xor si,si
mov ah,0x01
int 0x21
cmp al,13 ;there was a 13 here
je InputDone
mov byte [Infile+si],al
inc si
jmp InputLoop
mov byte [Infile+si],0
mov ax,0x3d00
mov dx,Infile
int 21h
jc Error
mov [Handle],ax