NASM - The Netwide Assembler

NASM Forum => Using NASM => Topic started by: Tom Gear on June 13, 2007, 06:46:51 PM

Title: Assembly for Latest Intel Processor
Post by: Tom Gear on June 13, 2007, 06:46:51 PM
I learned MASM a few years back (2001) from Kip Irvine's book.  Since then I ordered from Intel a set of five (free) books --Developer's Manuals-- about their latest processor, Xeon or something like that.   They now have all sorts of extra register sets Kip never touched on.  MMX  MXX, the floating point processor.

My question is, does anyone write an assembler or a compiler for this processor?  or do people write in C?  How do developers develop for a new processor that has new instructions and new registers?
Title: Re: Assembly for Latest Intel Processor
Post by: nobody on June 19, 2007, 05:04:21 AM
> I learned MASM a few years back (2001)

Forget it and re-learn with NASM/YASM/FASM

> latest processor, Xeon


> have all sorts of extra register sets Kip never touched on. MMX

SSE4, SSSE5, 4D-NOW , ... you can safely ignore them

> the floating point processor.

Has been around since 8086 (!!!)

> an assembler or a compiler for this processor?

All (!!!) NASM, YASM, FASM, ...

> or do people write in C

YES. :-( Even worse, in Visual C++++++ .NET ...

> develop for a new processor that has new instructions and new registers?

Ignore them. The good "old" 80386-registers (EAX, ESI, ESP, ...) are
still present. Old instructions (NOP, MOV, CMP, CALL, UD2, XOR, ...)
as well. Even 8086 16-bit stuff (AX, IP, ...) is available, even 16-bit code still works (in 16-bit DOS).

> ordered from Intel a set of five (free) books

Very bad for a beginner. Check for a 80386 documentation.