NASM - The Netwide Assembler
NASM Forum => Programming with NASM => Topic started by: Roddy MacPhee on May 22, 2024, 11:41:08 PM
I know of at least 40 different variants, but i'm wondering how many are useful (possible).
I would think that you can use as many loops as you want. It's down to the programmer to write appropriate code and algorithms.
Wish I knew modulo and printing numerical values to screen. Then I could make a prime sieve ... nasm compiler the code editor app uses is 2.14.02 and it has time limits.
Example of my attempt:
section .data
hw db "hello world,",0
section .text
global _start
mov rdi,1
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
lea ecx,[hw]
lea edx,[rdi]
int 80H
inc rdi
cmp rdi,13
jne loop
mov eax,1
xor ebx,ebx
int 80H
If the version of nasm you have is time limited, it's not an official version. nasm is 100% freeware with no restrictions or limitations.
with no restrictions or limitations.
How do I print rdi to screen . I'm on android if that matters.
Found out how to print ascii characters using alt codes( yes I know I'm stupid). Now to either convert numbers to strings or use extern ...
I would think that you can use as many loops as you want. It's down to the programmer to write appropriate code and algorithms.
mov <register>,1
inc <register>
cmp <register> <limit>
jne loop
mov <register>,1
add <register>,1
cmp <register> <limit>
jne loop
With 20+ registers and then some. Unlike what you thought they can't all be used at once( at least without complex additions) . Some have uses doing other things. You can also have a decreasing version. Another factor is replacing jne with other conditional jumps ...