NASM - The Netwide Assembler
NASM Forum => Programming with NASM => Topic started by: flyhigh427 on July 20, 2011, 01:20:40 PM
hey yall
i cant seem to get this converting a string to go into the single digit ,,i mean instead of pick a number (1) (2) etc i have to use higher numbers like (71) (72) etc ..
is there a way to do this without converting it ?
[ORG 0x100]
mov ah, 9 ; Print "something"
mov dx, strchoose ;
int 0x21 ;
mov ah, 9 ; Print "something"
mov dx, strinput ;
int 0x21 ;
mov ah, 0xA ; Input String
mov dx, buf ;
int 0x21 ;
call StrToDec ; This function Converts the input string into a number, AL=Result
cmp al, 71 ; Compare AL with the number you choose
je Lblwinxp
cmp al, 72
je Lbldos
cmp al, 73
je Lblrestore
cmp al, 74
je Lblreboot
jmp MainLoop
mov ah, 9 ;
mov dx, strone ;
int 0x21 ;
jmp MainLoop ;
mov ah, 9 ;
mov dx, strtwo ;
int 0x21 ;
jmp MainLoop ;
mov ah, 9 ;
mov dx, strthree ;
int 0x21 ;
jmp MainLoop ;
mov ah, 9
mov dx, strfour ;
int 0x21 ;
mov ax, 0x4C00 ; Terminate program
int 0x21 ;
strchoose db 10,13
db '(71)WINDOWS XP',10,13
db '(72)DOS',10,13
db '(73)RESTORE WINDOWS XP',10,13
db '(74)REBOOT $',10,13
strinput db 10,13,'TYPE THE NUMBER: $'
strone db 13,10,' 71 $'
strtwo db 13,10,' 72 $'
strthree db 13,10,' 73 $'
strfour db 13,10,' 74 $'
; The keyboard input buffer
max db 3
count db 0
inpdata db 0,0,0
; Convert the string inpdata to a number and store the result in AL
; Input parameters: None
; Return value: AL = Number
mov dl, [inpdata] ; Get the first character and
sub dl, '0' ; convert it into a value
mov al, dl ; AL = 10 * value
mov bl, 10 ;
mul bl ;
mov dl, [inpdata+1] ; Get the second character and
sub dl, '0' ; convert it into a value
add al, dl ; AL = AL + value
What are you actually trying to do, convert a string to a number, or select a "one key" menu item?
You've got the algorithm approximately correct to convert a string to a number, but you want to convert the number of characters actually entered, not unconditionally two.
If you just want to select a menu item, junk the "buffered input" routine, and use one of the "input one key" routines... int 21h/2, 21h/7, or 21h/8, IIRC, or int 16h/10h, and just compare.
If you want to keep the same code you've got, just check "count" before you attempt to convert the second character.
the answer was very simple ..dah put the number in '1' instead of 1
the answer was very simple ..dah put the number in '1' instead of 1
'1' is the equivalent of hexadecimal 0x31, in which is the ASCII [display] code for that particular number.
So yes, unless you plan on doing bin2ascii/ascii2bin conversions, handling direct ASCII codes in such a simplistic manner is sufficient, and probably most efficient.