Author Topic: Can I get Japanese Manual of NASM ?  (Read 14194 times)

Shiozaki Tetsurou

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Can I get Japanese Manual of NASM ?
« on: April 13, 2006, 02:15:48 AM »
Hello, everybody.

I am looking forward to the
Japanese Manual of NASM.

How Can I get it ?


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Re: Can I get Japanese Manual of NASM ?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2006, 03:38:42 PM »
"Hi Shiozaki,

Good question. When googling around for "nasm" (or maybe "nasm assembler" - National Association of Sports Medicine or National Association of Schools of Music are of no interest...) I found something which appeared to be a Japanese Nasm Manual (as I speak only English, I'm not sure what I was looking at). Unfortunately, I lost all those bookmarks in a "partition mishap"...

Nasm is supposed to be "Netwide", not "English only", so translations of the manual - or other information - in other languages would be great. We have (in the "contributions" package) a Spanish translation, and the same thing without accents (not "correct" Spanish, but it displays better, apparently). (it isn't up to date, I don't think)

Ideally, any translations of the manual would be done in "nasmdoc source format" so it can be built with "make" into text, html, info, ps, pdf, hlp... whatever-all formats it makes. I don't think existing translationa are in this format - anything's better than nothing!

If you come up with anything in Japanese - or if anybody comes up with anything in any language - send it to me - - or - and I'll stick it up on the "contributions" section. Put at least "for Nasm - post this" in English, please :)


P.S. Sorry about Hiroshima and Nagasaki - they didn't consult me.

Shiozaki Tetsurou

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Re: Can I get Japanese Manual of NASM ?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2006, 12:09:59 AM »
Dear Frank

Thank you for your advise.

As My English knowledge is very poor,
I found your English very difficult
to understand. Maybe what you say is,

(1) Ther is no Japanese manual of NASM.
(2) If I made the Japanese one , I should send it to you.

After I wrote the message yesterday, I found
Japanese Manual of NASM here, but...

Mr. Nobu seems to be the writer of this manual, I thinks this manual is very useful to me.
But this one is not whole one, though....

Best regards.

Shiozaki Tetsurou


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Re: Can I get Japanese Manual of NASM ?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2006, 06:36:04 AM »
1) No, I think there *is* a Japanese Nasm manual, but I don't know where to find it. (You found what I remember seeing, I think)

2) I don't think you should have to write it yourself, but if you *do*... Yes, please send it to me! :)
(or post a link here)

The one you found isn't "whole", but most of it is there - maybe the best we can do...

Also look here:

There's a link to "manual(japanese)", but I don't think it's whole, either. Looks like even less than what you found. (I can't read it, of course)

Is what you found *any* help to you?
