NASM Forum > Using NASM

How To do a loop in NASM?

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Thanks Frank. It's been a while since I wrote any code, so I had forgotten that :)

An earlier version of the nasm docs that gives more info about instructions is attached.

Frank Kotler:
Well that doesn't work... 1 in eax for sys_exit. not 0!

I think I'm all done.
Sorry I can't help you...


I'm sorry If I sound rude but to be honest reading from that manual is boring and it looks kind of stale. if you have any video sources that teach assembly for real beginners I'd be grateful.
but any ways thanks for the HUGE help here. I now know how to add, subtract AND multiply 2 numbers in assembly. I mean I'm starting to draw some parallels between assembly and C but assembly's code is much more complex than I thought.

I can't help with guides to learning assembly code, as I learned by reading CPU programmers guides from the CPU manufacturers, and by downloading open source and public domain apps which shared their code. That was all a long time ago, and as you can see from the mul code I posted above, I'm a little rusty :)


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