; sulfur16.asm
; alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf]
; 10/7/2021 .revision 2 = 2/1/2023
; nasm <dash>f bin <dash>o sulfur16.com sulfur16.asm
org 100h
mov al,13
mov ah,45
z:lea bx,[k]
mov cx,551
r:cmp byte[bx],ah
je s
jmp u
s:mov byte[bx],al
cmp al,45
je c
mov byte[bx+1],10
jmp u
c:mov byte[bx+1],45
u:inc bx
dec cx
cmp cx,0
jnz r
push ax
lea dx,(k)
mov ah,9
int 21h
pop ax
cmp al,13
mov ah,45
xchg al,ah
je z
lea dx,(x)
mov ah,9
int 21h
int 20h
x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,32h,34h,68h,24h
k:db ';--; sulfur16.asm--;--; alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf]--; 10/7/2021 .revision 2 = 2/1/2023--;--; nasm <dash>f bin <dash>o sulfur16.com sulfur16.asm--;--org 100h--mov al,13--mov ah,45--z:lea bx,[k]--mov cx,551--r:cmp byte[bx],ah--je s--jmp u--s:mov byte[bx],al--cmp al,45--je c--mov byte[bx+1],10--jmp u--c:mov byte[bx+1],45--u:inc bx--dec cx--cmp cx,0--jnz r--push ax--lea dx,(k)--mov ah,9--int 21h--pop ax--cmp al,13--mov ah,45--xchg al,ah--je z--lea dx,(x)--mov ah,9--int 21h--int 20h--x:db 2Ch,32h,37h,68h,2Ch,32h,34h,68h,24h--k:db ',27h,24h
; NOTE: replace the parentheses used in x and k in the code and data section with square brackets.
; Should run with no error in Classic MS-DOS, DOSBox 0.74.3 and DOSBox-X.
; And that being the culmination of the accomplished NASM project, here's the full project link.
; Win64, Win32, DOS16, MacOS 64-bit and 32-bit Quines ~ alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf] 2/1/2023, NYC
; and this is related to the "Source and Compiled Level Portability" thread.
; all made using NASM. Epic assembler.
EDIT: Or if you just want the source codes (coz the 2 links above contain the build tools (except for the MacOS, which is NASM 2.08(RCs))), i attached them on this post..
EDIT1: One Stop Shop :