NASM Forum > Programming with NASM

Error when using "istruc"

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Bryant Keller:
I don't really advise it, but if you want to play around with doing some structure emulation or enhancement stuff inside macros you might want to go to the source. STRUC/ISTRUC are little more than a bit of ABSOLUTE magic. For example, here is a structure:

--- Code: ---[ABSOLUTE 0]
.long resd 1
.short resw 1
.byte resb 1
mytype_size equ ($-mytype)
%ifdef __SECT__
--- End code ---

Now we can create an instance of our structure:

--- Code: ---SECTION .bss
mystruct: RESB mytype_size
--- End code ---

And then use our structure somewhere in our code:

--- Code: ---SECTION .text
    Xor Eax, Eax
    Mov [mystruct + mytype.long], Eax
    Inc Eax
    Mov [mystruct + mytype.short], Ax
    Inc Eax
    Mov [mystruct + mytype.byte], Al
--- End code ---

Not bad huh. That's all STRUC's are really doing. We can even do union simulation with ABSOLUTE as well. Check out this snippet.

--- Code: ---%imacro CODESEG 0
%if __BITS__ < 32

%imacro DATASEG 0
%if __BITS__ < 32

%imacro STACKSEG 0
%if __BITS__ < 32

%imacro STRUCT 1-2 0
%push __STRUCT__
%define %$name %1

%imacro UNION 1-2 0
%push __UNION__
%define %$name %1
%assign %$base %2
%assign %$max 0
[ABSOLUTE %{$base}]

%imacro SET 1+
%ifctx __STRUCT__
. %+ %1
%elifctx __UNION__
[ABSOLUTE %{$base}]
. %+ %1
%if %$max < ($-%{$name})
%assign %$max ($-%{$name})

%imacro ENDS 0
%ifctx __UNION__
%{$name}_size   EQU %$max
%elifctx __STRUCT__
%{$name}_size   EQU ($-%{$name})
%define __SECT__ [SECTION .data]
%ifdef __SECT__
--- End code ---

That's from my old BKMACROS.ASM that used to float around ASM Community back before NASM32 was written. It's not the prettiest implementation of unions/structures but it does handle the issue of calculating the union '_size' value based on a %$max variable. Take your time looking over it, it should give you some insight into how structures/unions are implemented on a deeper level as I'm seeing you trying to implement macro wrappers with them.

Bryant Keller


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